Doors in real life

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This was requested by _unforgettable_69

The photo is what I imagine y/n wearing

I'm so sorry for the long wait

Y/n Pov

"Listen everyone, mom sent us to respond to a call that came from inside this hotel." Elijah explained as we ran into an old-fashion looking hotel

"Sounds easy. Did missions operation management say what we're doing here?" Someone asked

"And why there nobody in the hotel?" I asked, slightly creeped out

"Don't know." Elijah answered

I furrowed my eyebrows and followed Shiloh, who was walking to a window

My eyes widened when I looked outside

"Did M.O.M say who sent the call?" Someone else asked

"Nope." Elijah replied

I didn't listen too hard on what they were saying

"Shiloh? Do you know what this is?" I quietly asked her

"N-no." She said, getting closer to the window

"Everyone to the elevator!" Someone shouted

Me and Shiloh turned around and ran over to them

"Everyone this way." We all ran down a hallway

Elijah stopped when he saw something blocking a door to the side of the hallway

I stopped and walked back to him

"I don't think this is a normal hotel, Eli." I muttered

"No, me neither." Elijah slightly shook his head

Elijah grabbed my hand and we ran to where the others were

"Occupancy of four." Micah read a sign above the elevator

"Only half the group can go up." Micah explained

"Micah, there's 9 of us. You forgot to count me." I told him

"Oh. Yeah well, you're only little so I guess if you go with Shiloh you two together can count as one person." Micah tried

"I guess we could try?" I said, looking at Shiloh

Shiloh smiled at me and nodded

"Yeah." She nodded

"Ok, you guys catch this one. We'll get the next elevator." Micah told half the group

The others walked into the elevator, leaving Micah, Judah, Elijah, Shiloh and me

3rd person Pov

The smaller group left the elevator and walked up to a door with the number '1' on it

"Why is this door locked?" Daniel asked

Suddenly the lights started to flicker

They looked down the hallway and saw darkness coming closer to them

"Somethings coming." Daniel gasped

"Find the key." Josiah shouted

Everyone got to work, taking books of shelves, trying to open doors, opening drawers to try and find the key

"I've got the key!" Someone exclaimed, opening a drawer and bringing out a key with a label on

"Give it to me, quick." Daniel exclaimed

Shiloh and bros and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now