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When I'm writing this is the day after we were kicked from the playoffs. I'm still proud of them and how far they went but disappointed they couldnt go all the way uh enjoy!

Warning: mention of death

They beat Calgary 4-1 and then we were in Vancouver for a couple days, they beat them too but it was a tight game. 4-3 was the final score. Now we're in seattle.

My parents and kailers parents attended the practice this morning and now the team and I are at the hotel having team dinner. While I'm talking to klim my phone starts ringing. I sigh and answer.

"Hello?" I question. "Is this juliette?" The voice on the other end asks. "This is she" I answer. "I'm phoning in regards to Jackson" he says. "Ok?" I question. "Did he mention harming himself at all the last time you spoke?" He asks.

I raise my eyebrows in confusion "uh no he didn't" I answer. "Okay well he was found this morning in his home" the guy tells me. "What do you mean found?" I ask confused. "He's dead juliette, he won't be bothering you anymore" he says. "Wh-who is this?" I ask. "His lawyer, he also left all his money to you" he answers.

What the fuck? "Uh thank you I guess?" I reply confused still. "A cheque will be delivered to your home, Have a good day" he says then hangs up. "What was that about?" Klim asks. "Jacksons dead" I answer. Vinny and kailer both look over at me "what?" Vinny asks. "His body was found and um he left all his money to me" I answer staring blankly.

Klim rests his hand on my back "he's gone you dont have to worry now" he says. "Wow" I whisper. "He's burning in hell" kailer says angrily. "I know" I reply crying with relief. "I hate what he did to you" kailer says looking at me. "Yeah no man should put his hands on a women" vinny says.

After we finish having team dinner we separate going to get ready for the game. I do my usual routine and then we're off to the arena. Jonathan and I get everything ready for the guys then while they're changing I'm stacking pucks and organizing sticks.

Stuart comes out and stands next to me in his gear "you ok?" He asks. "Yeah I'm good" I answer. "Did the guy say how much you're getting?" He asks. I shake my head "no but I wanna donate it to women's shelters and domestic abuse survivors" I answer.

He nods "good idea" he says. "I'm glad he's gone" I say looking out onto the ice. "Me too, he can't touch you anymore" he says. I nod "I'm free" I say happily. Stuart goes back to the locker room and the fans start coming into the arena.

I go back into the tunnel and wait with Jonathan and warmups go by in a blur now I'm standing on the bench with Jonathan and the coaches.

While the canadian national anthems are being sung I look around the arena and oilers fans are sprinkled throughout and I see my parents with kailers parents and his girlfriend nowhere to be seen.

This pre-season game goes by and our families meet us outside the locker room. "I'm so glad to see you together" his mom smiles. "We're not uh together like that" kailer says. "Yeah we're friends" I add bitterly. My mom looks at me and frowns "how're you doing sweetie?" She asks.

"Um uh good" I answer. Kailer rolls his eyes "tell her what happened" he says. She looks between us and my dad raises his eyebrows "what happened?" He asks. I sigh "so jackson came up to Edmonton" I start.

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