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Just 2 more left after this one which makes me kinda sad but I'm excited to write more stories and get my long list done. Enjoy this one!

Since we're home in edmonton we start getting the nursery here decorated with the help of lauren and celeste and the guys building all the furniture. "Soo when are you finding out what you're having?" Lauren asks.

I look up from the big tray of fruit "in a few days actually, we did some tests and that includes finding out the sex" I answer. "Are you having a party or anything?" Celeste asks. "I know someone that can get a party together so fast" Lauren says.

"Uh I'm not sure we havent really talked about that but before the season starts he wants to go down to jasper just the two of us" I answer. They both look at each other with knowing looks "we should take you to get your nails done before just incase he yknow" lauren says moving around her ring finger.

My heart flutters and I nervously eat a strawberry then I look at them "that's a uh good idea I guess I just don't wanna rush him to propose just because I'm having his baby" I say with a shrug. "You guys would've been married already if you would've moved up here with him" lauren says.

Well she isn't wrong we probably would've gotten married or at least engaged by now if I had moved up here. "You're right" I say nodding my head and eating a nice cold and crunchy grape.

As we're talking the three guys come down stairs and kailer hugs me from behind resting his hand on my bump. "Hows my girl?" He asks. "Good" I answer with a smile. He kisses my cheek "good I'm glad, hows our baby doing?" He asks. "The baby is good" I answer rubbing my bump.

He smiles happily "good im glad" he says. "So you guys are going to jasper? What are you doing when you get back?" Lauren asks. He shrugs "I'm not sure yet" he answers. "They want us to have a party to tell them what we're having" I tell him.

"Ahhh well if we dont have to plan it then sure!" He says. I laugh in agreement "yeah I agree, we'll pick up the balloon or whatever but you plan it" I reply looking at the girls. They both nod and we shake hands in agreement and leon and connor just shake their heads.

They spend a couple more hours here before leaving and we spend the night relaxing on the couch and I eat as much as I want. Kailers been eating healthy again since the season starts in just a couple weeks.

The following morning we have a small breakfast and we sit around waiting for the doctor to call us with the results. Just a few minutes after I finish loading the dishwasher my phone starts ringing.

I sit next to kailer on the couch and put my phone on speaker phone "hello?" I answer. "Juliette? We have the results" the doctor on the other end says. "Ok kailers here too" I reply. "Ok so everything genetically is great, you don't have gestational diabetes or anything wrong" she starts.

"And you want to know what you're having today?" She asks. "Yes we do" I answer for the both of us. "You are having a........ girl" she says. We both gasp and I look over at kailer who has happy tears running down his face. "Wow that's amazing" I reply.

Kailer wipes his face "yeah its great" he says. "Congratulations you two I'll let you process everything and ill see you next appointment" she says. "Thank you" we say at the same time before hanging up.

We look at each other and he pulls me onto his lap "were having a girl" he says resting his hand on the bump that's forming more and more everyday. "That's insane, I can't wait" I whisper happily. He smiles "I can't wait too, it's so real now" he says.

Love story | Kailer Yamamoto Where stories live. Discover now