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Hope everyone had a very merry christmas! Welcome to the christmas chapter! Enjoy

The following morning I'm woken up by a very loud knock on the door. I groan rubbing my head and feeling the headache. I open the door and kailers standing there wearing his tshirt and shorts like he's going to practice.

"You're late jules what happened?" He asks. "Oh shit! I overslept" I groan and go back in. He comes in and closes the door "Jonathan said if your concussion is bad you don't have to come in" he says.

I stop and look at kailer "I've got a headache and I feel sick" I reply. He frowns "stay here okay, I'll be back" he says. I sigh pushing my feelings aside "kailer I don't need your help" I tell him. He rolls his eyes "juliette just let me help you okay?" He says.

He leaves before i could say anything else so I crawl back into the bed and put something on the tv while I go on my phone.

A few texts from each of the guys and one from Jonathan telling me that I don't need to come in if I don't feel good enough. Thank god I feel absolutely terrible.

What feels like forever but is like 2 hours go by before kailers knocking on my door again. This time he's wearing a long sleeve oilers shirt, oilers sweat pants and he has a bag in his hand.

"I figured you'd be hungry so I brought you some food from catering" he says. "Oh uh thank you" I reply feeling my stomach rumble. He walks in before I could invite him in.

I look at him and my feelings flood in "how was practice?" I ask. "Could've used ya my blade broke but Jonathan was helping someone so I had to wobble to the bench" he answers laughing.

My heart flutters as I hear his cheerful laugh "oh God I wish I was there to see that" I reply giggling. He shakes his head "so you wouldnt have come onto the ice?" He asks. "And risk falling on my face? Hell no" I answer.

We sit next to each other on the bed and eat while there's a movie playing but we're not even paying attention. We're just talking. Christmas is coming up soon so we're planning on going to seattle for Christmas since we'll have a couple days off.

Eventually I feel tired again so I end up just laying my head on his chest and he plays with my hair. My heart flutters as the memories of us together come flooding back. I can't help but blush but thankfully he can't see my face.

I end up falling asleep with my head on his chest. Just a few hours later I wake up with kailer who is now asleep. I move away from him and grab my phone to check the time.

Luckily there isn't a game today so neither of us would be late if there was one. "Oh crap" I hear from behind me. I turn around and his hairs all over the place looking pretty cute. "What?" I ask.

"The girls are planning the christmas party" he says looking at his phone. "Oh yeah lauren told me about it and said I'm invited even though I'm not a wife or a girlfriend" I reply.

He nods "yeah she told me that camille left the group chat after she broke up with me" he says. "I'm not in that one obviously" I joke. He chuckles "right" he says.

After awhile he leaves since I'm feeling a bit better. I text with Lauren and celeste then I put my phone away and order room service and just pig out alone for the night.

Love story | Kailer Yamamoto Where stories live. Discover now