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When I'm writing this it's in between rounds 1 and 2 for the playoffs, yamo got the game winner for game 6 and I'm so happy for him hehe


I tightly hug my mom while we're in the airport "let me know when you land in Florida" she says. "I sure will" I reply adjusting my carry-on bag. "Let us know if you get to meet tkachuk" my brother jokes.

"I doubt I will but if I do I'll text you right after" I reply. He chuckles "we'll see you when you get back" he says. I nod and we do our handshake before I go through security leaving home for the next few days. Florida bound.

It has been a week since I sent the emails to the teams. They all got back to me fairly quick, first is florida then I'll be home for a couple days then I'll be in boston, then home again then Anaheim then straight to Edmonton.

This is going be an interesting few weeks but I'm looking forward to it. On the flight to south florida I have a nap and I even watch a movie.

When I land I grab my carry on from under the seat then I make my way through the airport. I have enough room in my bag for clothes for the couple of days.

As I'm getting to the exit I see a guy holding a sign with my name on it. "Are you juliette?" He asks. I nod slowly and recognize him right away. "I sure am, and you're matthew tkachuk" I answer. He nods "I am, is this all you brought?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm only here a couple days" I answer. He nods "well I'll try to make it a great couple of days" he says as we walk out. "Are you my tour guide?" I ask jokingly. "Maybe" he says. "Cool" I reply.

My brothers gonna scream, he has a love hate relationship with matthew. He use to be a flame and well my brother likes the oilers so that should speak for itself. "So you're from Washington?" He asks. "Yes" I answer.

He nods "that's cool" he says opening his passenger side door. "Oh thanks" I whisper getting in. He smiles and closes the door then goes over to the driver's side. I look around his car as he gets in and starts driving.

On the drive to the hotel I'll be staying at we talk and he let's me talk about school and where I want my career to go. "Well we are ready to have a strong female on our team" he says as we get to the arena.

That makes me feel welcome but I'm still not sure. I wanna get away from jackson but florida is across the country. "Well we'll see how this goes" I reply. He nods "I'll be around, managment said to keep ya safe" he says. "Oh ok" I reply.

We separate after he leads me to the office. "Juliette how are you?" The older guy asks. "I'm great, how are you?" I ask. "I'm wonderful, so today I'm just gonna show you around the arena and tomorrow I'll have you come in for the interview" he says.

Great. "Awesome glad I wore my comfy shoes" I joke. He chuckles "yeah you'll definitely wanna wear those around here" he says as we get to walking. "How was your flight?" He asks. "Great, the welcoming was nice" I answer.

He tilts his head in slight confusion "we only sent a car, someone greeted you?" He asks. "Uh yeah matthew tkachuk was there" I answer. "Ahhh yes he suggested someone should show you around" he says.

Interesting. "Oh" I mumble. "He's very welcoming" he replies. I nod "true" I say. He shows me around the arena and we get to the locker room. We hear guys laughing and we turn the corner seeing a few of the guys, matthew included.

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