How to Get to a Concert

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The hand slams onto the alarm clock, making the limb red upon impact. The body's eyes paint a dark picture with gray irises and black bangs under the eyeballs. His raven hair looks as if a tumbleweed had been ran over by a truck and left in the street to wither away. His grey pajamas are so baggy that it is unknown if they can even make contact with his pale skin.

This is Xavier. Summer break has just arrived, but the same weight that carried him to school is still left on his back for him to heave. The teenager's first instinct is to grab hold of his phone and go onto

Tickets for the Paramore concert are looking dimmer and dimmer by each passing day. But alas, Xavier can find no way to earn enough money for he and his three friends to go, nor any supporting parents willing to cash out. He feels one step closer to getting into it the moment he stares at the website, but $360 away from achieving his destination.

Why couldn't he have just gotten a job before summer started? Damn his private high school and their high expectations. Xavier felt as though he wouldn't be able to stand juggling the workload of both the school and a job all at once. It has really come to bite him in the ass, it seems.

Xavier changes out of his pajamas and into a more appropriate blue ripped jeans and black T-shirt with a bloody skull on it. He grabs a granola bar, stares at his dad sleeping on the couch with Netflix still on, and walks out to the outside world. He usually likes having walks outside to declutter his mind. At least, that's what his mom says going on walks does.

While the sun may not be completely up yet, the Denver skies give a blue light and hint of orange tints that make for a pleasant atmosphere. Xavier is surrounded by oak and pine trees, with birds and squirrels just about ready to start their morning. Even in front of the house, Xavier can still see the big lake across his neighborhood, its flatlines indicating peaceful nature today. Lake Creek has always been one of his more favorite hangout spots. It has a nice view, it is usually quiet, and the water is surprisingly good for swimming. Xavier sits by Lake Creek, knowing that his friends from the neighborhood would stop by.

Sure enough, they do. First is Gabe with him almost crashing his scooter through the dirt pavements near the lake. Next is Louis with his Nintendo Switch glued to his face as he faces through the tribulations of Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Finally, Amira comes by with one hand grabbing onto her phone while another is tying loose ends with her hair in an attempt to keep a hair tie on.

Gabe: First day of summer WHOO!!! I'm pumped for this moment! Damn Bextor High, am I right?!

Amira: Screw that place. I swear most of the people here are rich stuck up assholes.

Gabe: To be fair, Amira, your parents are pretty well off. I mean, you got an air hockey table, hot tub, that garden, and you're the only one of us with a car! With leather seats!

Amira: Yeah yeah yeah, but my parents are not stuck up.

Gabe: And we LOVE THEM!!!

Louis: NO DAMN IT!!! I died!

Gabe: Next time, buddy. Next time...

Amira: (looks at Xavier) How are those concert tickets coming along?

Xavier stays mute as he watches his phone screen. 1,353 tickets sold... By the time tomorrow comes, he is pretty sure every other ticket would be sold.

Xavier: Not very good... It's like everyone wants to see Paramore these days.

Louis: (not looking away from his Nintendo Switch) To be fair, Paramore is top notch.

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