An Awkward Meet the Parents Routine

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Xavier goes into nursing mode right when Bakura enters the house, getting him into drier clothes, taking his temperature, wrapping him up in a towel, and taking care of other basic needs. The mood the teenager gets himself in is frantic and full of self-loathing. He shouldn't have left him there, if only he had stuck around a little longer, he was to blame...

Xavier's Dad: Xavier, it's just some rain. What harm is it gonna do to someone?

Bakura: A bloody lot... (sneezes like a kitten) BLOODY HELL!!!

Xavier: Oh! Um, we have some tissues. Do you want me to grab some? I-I can go get some-

Bakura: I don't care what you do, okay?! I... (groans to himself) I only wanted to get out of the rain! That's it!

Xavier: B-Bakura, you're unwell. You've been out in the rain for quite a while...

Bakura: And that... (kitten sneezes) BUGGER MOTHERFUCKER!!!

Xavier's Dad: Heh. I like this guy. Reminds me of your mom when she was your age and on her period.

Xavier: (face turns red as he tosses Bakura a box of tissues) Do you need anything else, Bakura?

Bakura: I already told you I didn't need anything... (sneezes into one of the tissues) You wanker...

Xavier does not back that up with another comment. The more he talks, the more his inner mind would cringe at itself for what it comes up with little time to think. Xavier catches himself on a ride on another trip down the road of silent inner hatred, ostracizing himself for what he did and did not do.

To be fair, however, it's not like Bakura's comments help the situation. But what would he do now that he got himself into the anime character's life? He gives up tickets to Paramore for him, uses time in his day to figure out his origins, tells him his deepest insecurities... He even gives him his house key, for God's sake! Why is he being kind to one person who he knows won't return the favor?

Xavier chalks it up to him being able to relate to being a black sheep in society, but he isn't sure if that was the full answer.

Xavier, Bakura, and Xavier's dad (named Jamie) sit in silence for what seems like forever, but the clock says that they have only passed a minute. Bakura's occasional muttering with around 17 cuss words and Jamie browsing through Netflix to find the latest crime documentary keep those two busy, all the while Xavier is fighting against the shadows in his mind.

Jamie: So... You're Bakura, right? Name's Jamie. You're one of Xavier's new Hot Topic summer pals?

Bakura: (coughs) Barely... a friend... Useless bugger...

Jamie: Whoa there, my boy's sensitive here. No need to talk crap.

Xavier: I'm not that sensitive, Dad...

Jamie: Just looking out for you. (Look toward Bakura) So are you foreign or something?

Bakura: . . . (Looks away) You could say that.

Jamie: Ugh. It's always the foreign people that end up homeless... Damn the government, am I right, boys?

Xavier: Wh-Why did you assume that he was homeless?

Jamie: (shrugs) Just a hunch.

Bakura: Of course I don't have a home, I'm not even from this city! Why in bloody hell would anyone think that someone can find a home on their first day here?!

Jamie: You look a bit young... Do you have relatives in Denver or something?

Bakura clutches onto his pants, his face growing dimmer and ready to attack. Jamie, however, remains stone-faced and not caring about the thief's change of expression.

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