Regrets were Made, Stories were Opened

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Xavier has his mouth glued shut while his tongue is stuck in a double knotted knot. He knows where the Millennium Ring is. He knows that either option, telling the deranged madman where it is or not telling him, would get him killed. In all honesty, he should blame Lana for stealing from someone once again. Then again, however, Xavier cannot help but blame himself for following through with this stupid idea.

Lana: I said step away from him, you albino creep!

Bakura: I see you have a flock with you... No matter. Once I get my hands on the Millennium Ring, I'll send you all to the Shadow Realm.

Lana: Cut the geeky ass crap, we're fighting with fists here! (Gets into a fighting position) You want some?!

Xavier: Please, we-we don't have to fight! I know where it is!

Amira: Know where what is?

Bakura: What are you blubbering about? My Millennium Ring!

Xavier: Ehhh... Uhhh... At the pawn shop....?

Amira: That necklace thing...? (Snaps her neck towards Lana's direction)

Lana: (now sweating bullets) . . . Okay, so maaaaaybe I stole it while he was sleeping in the middle of the street...

Amira: Oh my fucking god, Lana!! I knew it! I knew that you have stolen it!

Lana: What, I didn't think this motherfucker is batshit crazy and would wanna kill us!

Louis: Of course he's crazy. He's talking about Shadow Realms and that bullcrap.

Gabe: Yeah! For all we know, he might've stole it too!

Any screws left in the ring's owner's head have fallen out as he charges at Gabe in an attack. Instead, Lana uses her instinct to do a full on body slam onto the would be attacker. His shockingly slim body posture is just what Lana needs to be able to pin him down, however many eyes are peering into the scene. It does not help Xavier's anxiety one bit, which Amira takes notice of.

Amira: Hey... Xavier, you... wanna go down to the pawn shop?

Xavier: (nods his head in an instant)

Xavier, with one more cringe inducing stare at the scene, turns around to follow Amira down into the jaws of the pawn shop. Each following step is a long swim in a river of acid, making his skin feel like it is slowly peeling off the farther he gets. By the time he gets to the pawn shop, his skin already feels exposed.

Amira: Excuse me, Rich, is it? Listen, my friend here stole that necklace that she was pawning off. So if you can just hand it back, I would appreciate it.

Rich: (chuckles) Ah Lana, always up to her thieving tricks... Here. Go wild with it. (Tosses the Millennium Ring to Xavier) It was worth only $5,000 anyway.

Xavier: (sighs) That would have been more than enough...

Amira caresses Xavier's shoulder as they leave with this artifact that may or may not belong to some crazy hobo leeching off teenagers who want to go to a Paramore concert. At this rate, however, Xavier is not willing to die over a stupid stunt Lana pulled off. Speaking of which, she's already resorting to beating the shit out of Bakura. The scrapes and bruises on her arms and face indicate that the fight was more even.

Amira: Lana, stop! We have the stupid necklace!

Lana: (stops raising fists) Wait, what? Ah, shit!

Gabe: Soooo... We're not gonna see Paramore?

Xavier: (winces) . . . No, Gabe. No Paramore...

Gabe: Awwww man...

Amira: (marches up to Lana) Lana, that was incredibly moronic and immoral! You don't just steal from an unconscious person!

Lana: Yeah yeah, I get it-

Amira: You always say you get it, but you still pull off these stunts! Do you ever learn?!

Lana: Geez, Amira, you take me for some sociopath or something?! I wanted to get Xavier to Paramore, it seemed like he wanted it!

Amira: Don't bring Xavier into this, asshole! You suggested pawning it off before he mentioned the Paramore concert!

Lana: Well, guess what, bitch? I overheard that little convo you had by the lake! Shame on me for taking the opportunity to actually be generous!

Amira: Yeah! Shame on you! You stole from an unconscious person!

Lana: Fuck off!

Amira: Fuck you!

Louis: Ehhhh, you two. Speaking of unconscious... Lana got em good.

Louis is right in that regard. Whatever it was that Lana did, it is enough to make sure her opponent is passed out on the ground. Seeing the people around him, Xavier feels his eyes growing tighter and blurrier, wait for his throat to suffocate him with the overwhelming force of anxiety. He has always been bad being the center of attention, but this time, he's going to be branded as a criminal. And that means more negative press than he would like...

Lana: Oh damn... (sighs) I'm outta here. You four bide your time... (runs off)

Amira: H-Hey! (Groans) I hate her so much!

Gabe: Should we like... take him to a hospital or-

Louis: Um, no. We just lost probably wads of cash, and those hospital bills mean that our parents pay. And that means juvie for the summer. We'll be fucked.

Gabe: Oh shit, you're right! We're gonna get creamed!

Amira: They'll probably just blame Lana for it, we'll be fine... Xavier?

Xavier: H-Huh?

Amira: What do you wanna do....?

Xavier: I... (inspects Bakura's injuries) I don't think he'll need a hospital, but we can't leave him there... (sighs) Gabe, your parents are still on vacation, right?

Gabe: Hitting it up in Miami? Yeah. We can take the guy to my place for the time being.

Xavier: Great. Please... Can we head off then?

Amira, Gabe, and Louis look at each other with perplexity before they nod at Xavier's request. With Gabe wrapping the attacker in his arms, Louis occasionally poking him to make sure he stirs, and Amira staying close behind to Xavier for emotional support, the day continues on in an unexpected pace.

Xavier thought he was gonna get Paramore tickets... and now he has a potentially homeless guy who can probably kill him once he awakens. What can possibly go wrong?

Well, everything.

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