Gabe Forces Everyone to a Chuck E Cheese. What Happens Next is Shocking

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With the summer coming and going like clockwork, the days come and go with little to be done. With Bakura's plight, all they can do for now is watch the anime and analyze it carefully to see if anything was off.

To their surprise, the show still manages to not be all that different as Bebe would describe it, even retaining the titular thief despite the present conundrum. How is it that Bakura is in the real world, and yet still present in the events of the show? Is it that the events of the show are of a documented past? What happens to TV characters after their show ends? The teenagers pretty much gave up thinking about it after their brains got boiled alive for what could be just over-analysis on their end.

So there Xavier, Amira, Gabe, Louis, and Bebe lay near Lake Creek, putting out the flames of their brains with the sound of running water, birds chirping, and a tree being trimmed with a chainsaw. Bakura can only pass the time by throwing nearby rocks into the lake to settle his impatience.

Even then, the analyses become too hard to ignore.

Bebe: I should be happy right now, you guys. I am living every WattPad girl's dream of having a hot anime guy here, but... I'm just confused as hell right now!

Amira: I'm sure we can find something soon enough. Perhaps we can get in contact with some kind of expert...

Louis: An expert for what? Space? Anime? Science? Japanese culture? Some religious nut?

Amira: That's the thing. We don't know who can have the answers to all this. It just seems... random.

Louis: But was it random? Or could it have been planned by someone? What if someone in the world wanted Bakura here and had the resources to do it?

Amira: Okay? Why him, though? Could they have brought someone nobler or something?

Bebe: Amira, sometimes people like the crackhead evil character that kills for fun. It's not personally my cup of tea, but some fans do adore that.

Amira: But what resources could they get? How can anyone be able to accomplish this, especially if they have the time to watch some 90's anime made for children? And what would be the ultimate endgame to all this? It just seems so random...


Bakura jerks his head to the group, almost ready to throw a rock at Gabe if he tried anything. Xavier is struck out of his silent daydreams by the shrill intensity of Gabe's screech.

Gabe: You guys are all thinking too hard, and it's driving me nuts! Why are we all going too deep into this anyway?!

Xavier: Because... We need to understand what happened to Bakura?

Gabe: (pulls Bakura to his own shoulder using the thief's shirt) Look at him! He's bored out of his mind! We don't need answers, we need fun! This is summer, people!

Bakura: Can you not grab me?! (Pushes himself away from Gabe)

Louis: Well, what do you have in mind?

Gabe: Oh... (smirks) I have an idea...


Chuck E. Cheese. It's a place where a kid gets left to run around and feel special with how many points they can learn while their parents turn into living corpses the moment they enter. Xavier doesn't feel exactly dead yet, but Gabe's decision to take the group here is, for lack of better terms, bewildering.

Louis: Chuck E. Cheese...?

Gabe: Hey, the place is closing down soon, okay?! We spent our childhoods here, people, and they're ripping it away from us!!

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