Bextor High Admission

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The summer is over and Bakura can say that it feels certainly different than any other. He has been more used to acting as Ryou in front of his naïve friends or following through on any plan to resurrect Zorc Necrophades. It was either to play a part or follow a role and if he had to be honest... he detested it. But if he wanted to engulf the world in shadows, free time was not exactly an option.

In this world, however, Bakura can at least have the benefit to screw around and doing things he was never able to do (bingeing horror movies, graffiti, being almost thrown off Marik's motorcycle, etc). He wouldn't say that it was productive, or even perfect without his cards or powers of the Millennium Ring. That in itself was and still is a cruel punishment for underestimating someone as puny looking as Yugi. Bakura still has to work on those emotions left unconcealed, too. Those are annoying, unfamiliar, and disturbing coming from a dark spirit like himself. Throughout time, however, it didn't bother him too badly.

The summer... It was fun. New, but fun.

Then it became almost time for the school year. Xavier would have to go back to Bextor High for sophomore year, and right before Bakura can bask in his alone time...

Starla: (plops down a red backpack, stack of notebooks, case with pencils and pens, and a binder in front of Bakura) Come. We're getting you enrolled.

So there Bakura is, in the middle of a vast hallway, sitting alongside students also waiting for their turn in the principal's office. Marik is also present, which either makes the ordeal better or worse depending on who's asking. Either way, it would mean being shot with his endless chatter.

Marik: Wow, Bakura! Isn't this exciting? This place is so big! Maybe even bigger than an Egyptian pyramid!

Bakura: It's not bigger than that, Marik. This is just some school made for preps. This is much better looking than Domino High, at least.

Marik: (turns toward a girl) This is the first-ever school I went to!

Girl: (gasps) Mine, too! I've been homeschooled my entire life up until now.

Marik: I've been in the Pharaoh's tomb for almost my entire life!

Girl: . . . . What's a Pharaoh?

Marik: That doesn't matter. The point is that this is my first school and it's so exciting! Bakura, are you excited?!

Bakura: Not particularly. I've jumped from school to school after getting my host expelled so many times. I'm probably going to get expelled here, too.

Guy with Cigarette: (puffs out smoke) Y'in the same boat? This is school number 15 for me.

Bakura: (smirks) School number 20.

Uptight Upper-Class Girl: (scoffs) And here I thought this school was above expulsion junkies...

Guy with Cigarette: Piss off, ya first-class princess bitch.

Uptight Upper-Class Girl: You'd be lucky to even pass the enrollment process. Only those with high potential get into this school.

Marik: No fret! I have the HIGHEST potential here! I work alongside Carrie in numerous charity programs! What about you, Bakura?

Bakura thinks long and hard about it... Shit. He has nothing to his name. No significant contributions, no academic accomplishments, not even money to bride officials. It's not like it matters anyway. Bakura is mainly here out of Xavier's mom's obligation. Make or break the interview, he doesn't care.

Bakura: Let's just... wing it and see what happens. I have no ambition of being here.

Marik: But Bakuraaaaa! It's not gonna be fun without you!

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