The Summer Bash of Joys and Fears

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Xavier counted down the minutes, hours, and days until the inevitable will occur. Lana is infamous for a multitude of reasons, and her wild house parties are one of them. He has been to one of them before last summer to celebrate their first year in high school and... well...

Amira: What the hell is wrong with you?! You practically drugged all of us!

Lana: Hey, I didn't know some asshole spiked the punch! Geez, you're saying this as if I spiked it!

Amira: Candace is having a seizure!! You have to call an ambulance! Who cares if you get busted?!



It is safe to say that Lana's house parties are not fondly remembered in Xavier's mind. Questions ripple in his mind, such as if she would be more careful next time, what's her boyfriend like, how many people would be there, and whether someone would do something crazy or even illegal. All these worries form a tsunami that drowns him in agonizing anxiety as time passes on.

Then, quicker than Xavier thought possible, the day arrives.

Xavier and Bakura go out in almost identical outfits: Black ripped jeans, black band shirts from Hot Topic, and black Vans shoes. All in all, they're as emo as emo can get. As the evening skies emerge, the sight of Amira's car gets closer and closer. There is no turning back now, Xavier thinks. All the previous anxieties that he has been bottling up are ready to explode into a viscous mess of bubbling lava.

Starla: Now, boys, I don't expect any rebellious behavior out of any of you two tonight. Do I make myself clear?

Xavier: Y-Yes, Mom, we get it-

Starla: That means no drinking anything that looks alcoholic or tainted, no spiking anything, no intercourse, no smoking, no taking drugs, and absolutely no committing any felonies. Got it?

Bakura: (smirks) If we trap people's souls inside a beer bottle, would we be injecting them with alcohol?

Starla: I'm... not responding to that. Just don't misbehave and, if anything looks fishy, call me and then the cops. Have a nice night and enjoy the party.

Xavier: Thanks, Mom, you too! (Realizes and silently curses himself as he hops in Amira's car)

Bakura squeezes himself between Xavier and Louis (Gabe called shotgun) and off the car goes. The more Xavier's house pans out and away from eyesight, the more his stomach spins like a washing machine filled with soiled clothes. Is he the only one here nervous about this entire situation? How can Bakura and Louis chat away about the former's connection with the Shadow Realm so calmly? How is Gabe yammering away about the party with such enthusiasm?

And Amira... How can she be so calm? Wasn't it the last party that ended her friendship with Lana? She has to be in her own whirlpool of doubt and questioning at the fact that she even accepted her ex-friend's invitation. She has to be... That event stabbed her in the heart in full force...

Xavier trails his eyes down, shifts to Bakura telling Louis about Zorc with enthusiasm, and lifts his head to Gabe chatting away with Amira about future parties he has planned. All the while, he stays as silent as ever, his lips glued shut. With every passing building in the city landscape, Xavier gives little to no reaction to his surroundings as he gets himself wrapped and tied to the walls inside his mind. It's damp, cold, and dark... He's chilly, bare, and quivering... The unsuspecting worries manifest into a dark cloud of smog with red glowing eyes. After one grin that shows its sharp, yet dusty and brittle teeth, it charges up to Xavier and-

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