The Millennium Necklace

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The homeless shelter and the alleyway to the left of it are still shut off by barricade tape, but with the lack of officers regulating the area, it is not hard for a few teenagers to go past it. There, at the entrance, stood the same spray paint message that Bakura saw when the crime scene was fresh. Some of the paint is chipped out due to the environmental effects, but it is still clear enough visually.

Lana: You... wanted us to look at paintings?

Bakura: It isn't just any painting that some punk made. It's...

Bebe: (gasps) The Millennium Necklace! This is the Millennium Item that Ishizu Ishtar wore in the series! It lets her see the future!

Amira: So... what does this imply, exactly? Are you thinking the murder that happened and this... are connected?

Bakura: They have to be... It'd be too much of a coincidence. And see how it says "Six more". There are seven Millennium Items in total. This murderer would have to be creating a murder spree to get to seven.

Gabe: You think so...? That'd be as freaky as an unshaven back...

Xavier: So... you think the person who sent you here and the murderer is-

Bakura: The same? Yes. The murders are probably connected with the items in some fashion...

Bebe: Ummm... But why did they start with the necklace and not the ring, which is what you have?

Louis: Who knows? Maybe this Ishizu gal is somewhere else in the world and we don't know jackshit.

Xavier: Or maybe they just botched up the order of the items...? I don't know, that sounds kinda dumb...

Lana: I got a hot take! What if he did it? (Points to Bakura)

Bakura: You are NOT pointing the finger at me, okay?! I wouldn't be showing this if I were to murder someone! Use your brain for once!

Gabe: . . . Lana, you thinking this is some high IQ play here where he shows us evidence even though he did it?

Lana: (shrugs) Sure. I was just playing the blame game.

Amira: (glares at Lana, then shifts her gaze toward the graffiti) . . . This has to do with Bakura and his series in some capacity. But what would be the endgame here...? What do they gain from murdering a homeless person and bringing Bakura here? Why the Necklace...?

Xavier: Whatever it is... It's probably something horrible. Nobody had to die... (clutches his arm) Not for this... Not for anything...

Bakura: . . . There isn't anything we can do about it now, Xavier. They're dead. We'll just have to find this psychopath before they can enact their plans.

Xavier: But... What if somebody else dies? Could we even do anything about it...?

Bakura: Not for the dead, no. We'll just have... to... (sighs) I guess prevent deaths, as stupid as that sounds. If this has anything to do with my predicament, we'll make sure the killer is dealt with...

Lana: Pfft, you sound so fucking noble, it's so cringe!

Bakura: If I can, I will send you and your obscenities to the Shadow Realm for the rest of your days! You're just as annoying as Gabe!

Gabe: Awwww, I'm special to you!!

Bakura: Hardly! I only interact with you because you interact with Xavier here!

Lana: So you're just gay for Xavier or what?~

Bakura: DO NOT TAKE WHAT I SAY OUT OF CONTEXT, YOU... (sighs) Anyway, we have more important things to banter about. So don't go off-topic, you imbeciles.

Lana and Gabe shut up from there, much to Bakura's relief. As he stares at the damning art piece standing out against the grey skies, his teeth clench and his hands morph into fists inside his jean pockets. These kinds of crimes are supposed to be his schtick, his forte, his way of sticking out against others in Domino City. Here in Denver, however, it's almost like the roles are reversed and Bakura is being slowly hunted down by a mystery killer.

Here the Millennium Necklace is depicted, mocking him, counting down his days... Bakura makes a mental note to bring a weapon alongside him. Who knows who the killer is, where they are, or even what powers they possess? It should be exciting but without anything else...

Anything... He'll get them back... He'll be able to defeat this killer and the Pharaoh... right?

Xavier: Bakura...?

Bakura: I'll be fine. We'll find out who's doing this...

Xavier: . . . Are you sure you're fine-

Bakura: Yes, Xavier, why wouldn't I be? We found more hints towards getting me out of here, didn't we?

Bebe: We sure did! This is so awesome, it's like being inside a fantastical mystery novel!

Gabe: I'm just waiting for the sci-fi multiverse elements to pop off, and then we'll have an army of robots, dragons, pirates, zombies-

Bebe: And hot anime guys with husky voices!!

Louis: Hey. We don't know if it's a multiverse deal. It'd be awesome, but more possibilities are out there. Like... some kinda weird experiment where blood is transmuted into the ink of an animated character, making some kinda hybrid and-

Bakura: Keep the idea, but don't make it involve me. That's disgusting.

Louis: Fine, I'll just use it on the next character that comes here. (Snaps a picture of the graffiti) Gotta have this for safekeepings.

Amira: (looks at her phone) Um, there's a flood watch flashing up. We should probably get out of here.

Bakura: Bloody hell, how many times does it rain in your damn city?

Xavier: I mean, whatever relieves the drought is always welcome. Heh heh...

Droplets of rain turn into a drizzle in under a minute, leaving the teenagers to rush into the nearest available building (a simple independent coffee shop). By the time they get in, the rain is delivering a monsoon onto the sky, most likely washing away the murderer's message back into blankness.

Either way, however, it is still ingrained into everyone's minds, no matter how much they try to avoid and mask it away...


Thunder is booming. The streets are mainly empty in the neighborhood, other than a couple of people rushing to get to shelter. Inside one multi-family duplex with clear white outer walls, a porch with a wooden table and swing made for small hangouts, and potted flowers, there is a room that gives the opposite impression of the house's welcoming and luscious nature. It is cluttered, dank smelling, and only has a laptop screen as a source of light at the moment.

???: Little brother!

???: (sighs and turns around, not that his face would be that much visible) Did I tell you to knock first? God, this is why I need a lock...

???: The mission was successful. (Slams her scythe down at her brother's desk) The first sacrifice has been disposed of!

???: Hm... Cool. I'll go inform that to the big guy...

???: Before you do that, though, what do you think about sending a message? Just some little pricks to add to his skin, for the fun of it?

???: Do what you want, I don't give a shit. Just as long as the plan stays intact.

???: Of course, brother! I would never dare to contemplate going against your and your friend's wishes!

???: (groans) We're not friends. We're just working towards similar goals. You're only in on this because I can't afford to get caught near a corpse.

???: You're missing out! The deals we would make to achieve great satisfaction, the grins on their faces as the euphoria vegetates, only for it all to wither with one single slash... It's so fascinating how unambitious and hopeless people work!

???: Yeah yeah, just get out, Casandre. I'm working on something.

Casandre: I bid adieu, little brother!

With that, Casandre skips off to leave the other figure, her little brother, to his own devices.

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