Opening up the Clam

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The sleeping bag in Xavier's room is all too familiar to Bakura, acting as a cocoon to hide in when he doesn't want to interact with anyone. This is one of those times. Starla is dead set on her code of conduct and, as such, sees him as a freeloader who sucks their assets dry as a vampire does with blood.

She wouldn't be wrong, exactly, but it's not like Bakura has much of a choice. Her son foolishly chose to help him and sacrifices would have to be made.

Speaking of Xavier, Bakura is still ticked off at him. He can expect the teenager to be shy as he has his fair share of dealing with introverts such as his former host and... that damned duelist... But Bakura can't even trust Xavier to talk when it matters? Was he really that pathetic? It was only mere coincidence that a crime scene (a murder, he overheard from Starla) happened at the homeless shelter. Otherwise, Bakura would be left to waste his days at some mandated government-owned building with no support system.

He doesn't want to be helpless... Not again... He can't do that again...

The next two days are spent shut out from society and into his circle of empty thoughts, only coming out for basic human necessities that he never needed before. If he is ever spotted, it would always be the same: Starla shoots a glare as sharp as a newly acquired blade, Xavier would trail his eyes to the floor, and Jamie would give a slight wave that mostly doesn't get returned. The feeling of not being welcome comes naturally to Bakura, as he never helps himself in making himself presentable. Whether it's a scorn, a grunt, or an occasional side eye, the thief makes sure that hate leaks out of his face and infects the prey that breathes into it.

Xavier is in his room now, and the smog leaks within Bakura to poison his mind. Time passes by and the air becomes foggier and darker, sparks of fire even emerging from the caressing of the Millennium Ring. If it were up to Bakura, Xavier would be in the Shadow Realm as punishment.

Xavier: (sighs) . . . You're mad at me, aren't you?

Bakura: At least something's clicking in that brain of yours...

Xavier: L-Listen, I... I didn't mean to seem disingenuous. I wanted to help you, I really did, but I... I guess I panicked.

Bakura: You guess? Xavier, you did panic! I could have lost everything because of your cowardice! Why must you always shut down when it matters?

Xavier: I... I don't have an excuse... Not a good one, at least...

Bakura: Ugh. As expected... (bites his tongue to not say anything he might regret)

Xavier: But... You're right. I need to fix that, especially since you rely on me a lot...

Bakura: (laughs) That's comical. When have I ever needed to rely on you for anything?

Xavier: I mean, you did come here for shelter from the rain... and we're working on figuring out what exactly is going on there...

Bakura: (looks out at the window, gray clouds swallowing the light blue sky whole) . . . I have new information. But before I can give you that... You're going to prove that you can be of use.

Xavier: P-Prove to you...? I-I mean, sure, but how?

Bakura: Hmm... You know that whole deal with you wanting to fit in, but never really knowing how?~

Xavier stays silent, but his mouth glues shut and his pupils shrink to the size of two dots found in a pointillism picture. His fear is as visible as an upscale painting. It is all Bakura needs as confirmation that his plan would be effective, and somehow still fuel his malicious tendencies.

Xavier: Am I... gonna have to-

Bakura: (grabs Xavier's shoulders) Yes, Xavier~

Xavier: To who, exactly...?

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