Welcome to Hell

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Bextor High. It is advertised as the "school of potential" by those who go there and those who want to go there. It is a private high school with big ambitions to mold its students into marks of excellence and prestige. People go to Bextor High not just for education, but they can be instilled with loads of promises for an everlasting future. Because of this, it provides only the best from an educational standpoint, which is partly why it's so expensive to enroll here and why they are highly picky on which students can go and which ones can't.

Somehow, in some delirious stroke of luck, a spirit of the Shadow Realm got into the school. There Bakura is, leering at the exterior of the school. It's preppy, it's gorgeous, it's got that beautiful petunia garden... It's revolting. This school is for children who leech off of their parents' wealth and who are bashed with high expectations.

Therefore, it's for the higher class. Not for "scums of the earth" like Bakura.

Then there is the point of view of Xavier. As someone who has been to this school as a freshman, he can easily say that this school isn't for him, either. He isn't particularly excited due to this.

Xavier: This is it... The start of the sophomore year... (almost gets run over by a skateboarder) I think there are more people than last year...

Bakura: Desperate, I believe. If they're going to add me, might as well add anyone they can find.

Xavier: Well, they don't add just anyone. Usually, the parents have to be willing to pay.

Bakura: Apparently, they don't have to pay a lot...

Bakura storms into the school, meeting with the crowds of social cliques that he knows and hates: Populars, goths, jocks, nerds, and those politic-hungry weirdos. Despite the rich status Bextor High makes itself out to be, the school doesn't appear to be any different than Domino High. Was his world just this world, but with the game of Duel Monsters and the power of the Millennium Items?

Bakura stares down at the Millennium Ring around his neck. He'll find a power source for it soon...

Class A-7 is Bakura's while Xavier's is B-5. After a quick and unenthusiastic goodbye session between the two, they each head off to their respective homerooms... There isn't anyone he recognizes besides that one Evan guy.

Oh well. That just means more souls to torment.

The classmates consist of the following:

• Evan Torres, the hacker who is done with life
• Agafonika Tokarev, the Russian-American flirt
• Archie Horne, the timid nervous wreck
• Dolores Pena, the TikToker obsessed with the paranormal
• Reed Bentley, the insecure and hot-headed jock
• Levi Conrad, the vaping lady's man
• Kristy Peters, the party-loving nice gal
• Dorthy McMahon, the ditzy innocent girl
• Carolyn Raymond, the tough-headed stoic type
• Shari Crawford, the traditional teacher's pet
• Jamey Ayala, the quiet artist
• Melody Tucker, the childish brat
• Winifred Hubbard, the tormented author
• Edmund Church, the respective gentleman
• Van Malone, the logical future valedictorian

And then there's Bakura himself. Just like Ryou back in Domino High, he's made himself to be a catch for the girls. Agafonika and Dolores especially make their interest in him public with their comments about his body and whatnot. He only scoffs at their pitiful attempts, which only seems to turn them on further.

As it turns out, Bextor High has a giant auditorium used for their daily assemblies. There, Principal Benson gives a speech about togetherness and work ethic and dreams and yada yada yada. Bakura couldn't be bothered to listen to the speech entirely. Once he's back in his dimension, he won't have to worry about work ethic or happiness or-

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