Back in Domino City

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Author Note: So this story hit #1 in #ryoubakura... even though Ryou doesn't appear in the story yet. For compensation, I am adding this chapter so that the award feels somewhat warranted lol.

It feels quiet... Too quiet... Quieter than Ryou has ever experienced ever since his toddler years. Since four years of age, the boy had been targeted by the Spirit of the Millennium Ring, all for the promise that he will gain friends with the help of it. Sadly, however, this promise will not be fulfilled. Far from it, in fact...

The spirit, Bakura as he prefers to be called, gives Ryou hell, whether it is due to the high body count he has amassed in the boy's body or the living people he has his host isolated from. Hell, he doesn't even have a family to hang around with. His mother and sister tragically died in a car accident and his father is doing archaeology work in who knows where. For most of his life, it was just Ryou being tormented by this malicious spirit.

Now... He hasn't heard anything. He hasn't felt anything. It almost feels rhapsodic of sorts to finally be an individual after being possessed countless times. And he can only thank Yugi and the Pharaoh for freeing him from this torment.

Since the Pharaoh is now in his resting place, it is just him, Yugi, Joey, Tristan, and Téa hanging out in the game shop that Yugi's grandfather owns. At long last, he can finally duel with his friends without worrying about that damned spirit possessing him.

Yugi: . . . And now, Ryou, I attack your life points directly!

Ryou: Oh bugger! Well, Yugi, you did it again. Good game. (Shakes his friend's hand)

Yugi: Good game, Ryou. (Sinks into the couch) It feels kinda weird though... Dueling without Atem...

Téa: He did influence your dueling strategies, huh, Yugi?

Yugi: He sure did... I don't know what it is, but I feel kinda... incomplete without him. He and I have been sharing a body for so long that it is kinda lonely...

Ryou: I... guess I can understand that. To have a second spirit inside your body just snatched away from you... It can feel weird for a bit.

Joey: Ey, how's it with you, Ryou? Now that that evil psycho spirit is gone, you must feel pretty blessed.

Ryou: Are you kidding? I am more than just blessed! I'm free! I can finally live like a normal human again! I can finally be myself!

Yugi: That's great, Ryou! I'm glad someone's here in good spirits! (Realizes what he said) W-Well, I mean-

Joey: Eyyyyy, was that a pun I sense?! Good one, Yugs!

Yugi: Uhhh... Y-Yeah! A pun! Heh heh...

The pun aside, Ryou can tell at the moment that Yugi is not feeling all that great. He shuts down similarly to himself, albeit to a lesser extent: eyes trailed to the ground, lips squeezed tight, and that short smile as he forces himself to act okay in front of others.

Ryou looks at Téa, whose blue eyes match the concern of his own. She senses it, too... The girl has always been good at detecting emotions, even toward people she hates. It was almost as if it was an ability she got from a Millennium Item, only it is her human nature. Ryou finds that admirable about Téa, even if she can stand to tone down her friendship speeches.

By the evening, when it was time for all of them to head back to their respective homes, Ryou and Téa stay behind with Yugi. It is clear to them that his expression has not changed ever since their last conversation regarding... their spirits. Ryou mentally shuns himself for not realizing this beforehand and for thinking so selfishly. He got so caught up in his distaste for his Yami that he has forgotten that Yugi was close to his own...

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