The Escape to the Alleyway

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Xavier is not sure how Bakura is still managing to keep his pace despite the supposed reopened stab wound on his knee and various other injuries. The city of Denver, while diverse, is still big and leaves no room for anyone to stop and take a breather. Nevertheless, this does not seem to mind Bakura.

Gabe: Bakura?! Bakura!! (Turns to Xavier) Man, it's like he can't even hear me!

Amira: Maybe we should just leave him be. He doesn't want anything to do with us.

Xavier: (shakes his head) We can't just leave him. He'll end up homeless and I wouldn't be able to bare with that.

Amira: (sighs) That wouldn't be ideal for anyone in Denver... but then again, would he accept it?

Xavier: Who else would want to help him, Amira...?

Amira: And what if he rejects your offer? What then, Xavier?

Xavier: Then... he rejects it, I guess. I-I don't think I can do more than ask...

Gabe: BAKURA!!!

With visible glares toward Gabe, and yet not one from Bakura, it becomes more clear now that the thief is ignoring the four of them. The streets get more packed with people ready to attend to their busy schedules, leaving Xavier little eyesight on the thief with the ring. One left turn from Bakura, however, and Xavier gets more room upon entrance in a small and narrow alleyway. The ground is gravely compared to the crisp sidewalk and the smell of the nearby garbage bins makes for an unpleasant environment.

It does not help that the addition of secondhand vape smoke fuels poison Xavier's lungs. The pink hair poking out near one of the garbage bins is a dead giveaway for him.

Bakura: YOU!!

Lana: Eh? (Turns to Bakura) Wait, you're still alive? Oh, thank god! Now I don't have to go to prison!

Xavier: H-Hi, Lana...

Lana: Xavierrrrr! Hi! When has it been, like, yesterday since we last saw each other? You all haven't changed a bit!

Amira: (sighs) Because it has just been one day ago since you robbed an unconscious person. I doubt anything has changed.

Lana: I mean, one thing's certainly different. You guys are all buddy buddy now?

Bakura: We were never friends. They're just lost dogs at the moment.

Louis: Says the one who just arrived in Denver through unknown circumstances.

Gabe: I still believe it was a space vortex! Or maybe a rip out of the fabric of time and space! Is that how the dinosaurs died?!

Amira: Um, no, that was an asteroid.

Lana: The fuck with that space shit, he probably just got drunk on a train and passed out.

Bakura: I don't drink, as much as it might surprise your feeble little mind. You, on the other hand, will probably kill yourself doing something stupid before the Shadow Realm takes your soul.

Xavier: Oh, wait, I guess we haven't told you... Lana, Bakura is not from here. I don't mean just Denver, but he's... not from our world, I guess I should say...

Lana: So... what? Did you abduct an alien or something? Did he come outta the "Shadow Realm"? (Twiddles her fingers) Oooooh, spooky~

Bakura: I don't come from the Shadow Realm, you speck of dust. I send lowly mortal souls like yourself there using the powers granted to me.

Lana: Ooooh, a free vaycay to your hell dimension? Bitch, sign me up!

Amira: Do you ever take anything seriously, Lana?

Lana: Listen, I'm the one with the vape in my system, and yet you Dungeons and Dragons freaks are spewing out drugged fantasies! (Makes this loud, ear-piercing cackle)

Bakura: (cackles right back at her) You insolent mortal, how about I just send you there right now?!

Amira: Except you can't. If I can recall correctly, your ring didn't work.

Bakura: YOU... I am not powerless. Far from that, actually~

Lana: Anyways! Xavier. Where did your new foreign boyfriend come from?~

Xavier: B-Boyfriend?!

Bakura: We are not romantically involved!! How dare you assume I'd be infatuated with someone like him!

Ouch. Xavier's fragile heart hurt a bit.

Ignoring that blow to his chest, Xavier is bombarded with questions from Lana, usually including jabs about being geeky, oblivious, lonely, or whatever hits his side the hardest. If words can be physical, then Xavier's body would be as bruised as Bakura's. Lana's smile with bright eyes and genuine giggles give him the impression that she has no malice and it just joking around, but even then...

God, why does Xavier have to be so sensitive?

Amira: Ugh. Lana, I'm tired of your shit. I'm out of here. Anyone can join me if they want.

Lana: Psh, being pissed off again, I see. Eh, fuck off, Amira, I don't give a shit. (Goes back to vaping)

Gabe and Louis walk alongside Amira, the latter doing an eye roll out of view of Lana. Xavier, only having enough willpower to give her a disapproving look, almost heaves himself out of the alley before looking at Bakura.

Xavier: Are you... gonna stay there?

Bakura: I already told you to not expect me to be back. This is my issue, and you used up all your use.

Xavier: (trails his eyes to the ground) Okay... Um, in any case... Take this. (Tosses him a keychain with a house key and a paper slip stating his home address)

Bakura: The hell are you giving me this for?

Xavier: It's to my house, in case you need somewhere to sleep or something... I-I have another one hidden under the doormat, don't worry...

Lana: Ooooh, you gonna sleep together?~

Bakura: Do you ever shut up, woman?! You're just as annoying as that... Gabe person!

Xavier: (bites his lip as he ignores Lana) You don't need to use it. Just... Just in case...

Bakura: (smirks) You're foolish, aren't you? You'd take anyone in if they look even the least bit pitiful. I can very much rob you of your assets, you know.

Xavier: Maybe I am being foolish... but take it anyway. The address is available, too.

Bakura: (pockets it) Do you have parents or something?

Xavier: I-I do, but Mom's usually not home and Dad is very lenient once the situation is explained... But like I said, i-it's only optional... Bye, Bakura.

With no response out of the thief, Xavier turns and rushes out to Amira, Gabe, and Louis. Perhaps his daily life can be back to normal now that the hectic situation is out of his hands. His wings are now spread out and he can fly up to the sky as a creature free from any regulation brought onto him.

His wings immediately get burned to crisp, however, once the rays of the blazing infernos get bigger and fill him with more uncertainty and doubt. Where would Xavier go from there? What about Bakura's wounds? Should Xavier have done more to help Bakura out? Is there any purpose for him to delve deeper into what happened to Bakura? What if the reason for how the anime character ended up here can result in catastrophe?

Xavier wishes to know... but how could he when Bakura doesn't wish to share?

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