The Millennium Slasher

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Despite the school and work hours still being active, the city is bursting with life with the collection of people strolling through the city streets. The clear skies are paired alongside the city, giving the scene an atmospheric backdrop to the big and bustling city of Denver.

With this piled with Domino City, Bakura is pretty used to city life. It is certainly more lively than the dark and vast cesspool of tortured souls in the Shadow Realm. It's different from the thousands of years spent there...

Evan: Deep in thought?

Bakura: Just plans that you already know from this cursed "Wikipedia" site. I bet it doesn't even uncover the full story.

Evan: Trust me, people on Wikis can be very passionate about sharing and uncovering information. It probably has everything. So on the topic of getting you back to your conquest...

Bakura: Unfortunately, this place has very little magic, to the point where my Millennium Ring is unusable.

Evan: And what about this Marik guy? Does he also have some ancient relic with magic and crap?

Bakura: I'm guessing he isn't in possession of such anymore, given how things went... But perhaps the possibility is there. But I do know something is amiss...

Evan: Yeah? Picked up on anything recently?

Bakura: A murder occurred near a homeless shelter. If you knew anything about murderous intent, you'd know that some of them like to leave calling cards. Now, with that said, make your educated guess on what this calling card is.

Evan: A Millennium Item...

Bakura: A spray painting of it, at least. Nevertheless, it is a cause of intrigue, don't you believe?

Evan: It would mean the murderer in question is perhaps aware of your existence. Now, Bakura, you have any clues as to who it may be?

Bakura: Well... not at the moment.

Evan: That's a problem. Because only that single individual can be aware of what sent you here... and how to send you back. Hell, they probably did it themselves.

Bakura considers this realization. Perhaps someone here could be capable of such a feat, in a world without any magic nonetheless. But what sort of supposed human being can be capable of opening up parallel dimensions? Is it even a human? Why him and Marik specifically? All he is aware of is that the person in question has to have nefarious intentions.

After all, no one just murders in cold blood without some sort of darker motive... right?


Evan's house is around as big as Xavier's, with the addition of having more space in the house. No one is inside, thankfully, so Evan and Bakura have free range of the whole place. Every room has at least two or three pieces of technological screen present, whether it is the latest flat-screen TV, desktop and laptop computers, and even old iPhones collecting dust. With Evan, however, his go-to is the one laptop tucked in his backpack.

Evan: If we want to crack down on this murderer case, we have to see how the officials are handling this. Our classmate Kristy's dad is a cop, so that should make things easier for me...

Bakura: And how is looking up cases on the Internet supposed to uncover any secrets regarding the murder?

Evan: Normally, people brag about that sort of shit on the Internet. In this case, however... I think we need to dig deeper.

Evan, keeping an inexpressive face on him and cracking his knuckles, began to delve into the Web and get hold of sites at a rapid pace. Having only dabbled in the online world on casual occasions, Bakura's eyes are almost in a trance at how Evan is seemingly cracking down IP addresses, codings, and other things that he is unfamiliar with. Somehow, with all that, Evan is now gaining access to criminal case files.

Evan: Here. Dennis Walter, a 56 year old homeless man died around two months ago due to five slashes to his chest. He died in the Denver Homeless Shelter downtown.

Bakura: Ah, yes. The one with the Millennium Necklace sketch. How does this Dennis Walter align with Millennium Items?

Evan: Hm... I was thinking more about how would the killer align with these items you speak of. So these items were some ancient artifacts in your show, yeah?

Bakura: Not just that. Each of them contained the essence needed to fuel its magical capabilities. (Lifts his Millennium Ring) My Millennium Ring, for example, can lead me to what I desire. It has run out of its energy though...

Evan: That is odd. You got any ideas?

Bakura: The damn murderer... They can't just be human. They have to possess something, or at least know something.

Evan, stone cold as ever, keeps his silence as he scrolls through the article to uncover any extra details that could be valuable. This leads to the two of them uncovering cases such as a robber stealing 60 bags of Doritos, a woman who beat a bird with a purse, and a boy known for his gory graffiti.

Oh wait... the last one is Bakura. Shit.


Amira: What do you mean you can't find him?

Amira, Gabe, Louis, and Xavier wait outside the schoolyard, a multitude of other teenagers cramming themselves in the bus or facing against each other in traffic. Xavier is at his third round of peeking inside the hallways, yearning for the thief's arrival. Alas, it isn't meant to be.

Xavier: I swear, he's nowhere to be seen. I don't think even Lana or Marik has seen him.

Louis: Knowing those two, they probably skip.

Gabe: I got it! He probably went along with them and they're covering for him! Lana's chill like that.

Xavier: I hope it's that. Otherwise, I have no clue where he could be.

Lana: (comes up with a can of Coke that smells funny) Who went missing and died?

Xavier: Bakura. Knowing him, he couldn't have died easily... hopefully.

Lana: I say 50/50.

Louis: Eh. I say let him go off. He's probably fine.

Xavier: Last time he was alone, he was caught by the police spray painting a police station.

Lana: Based, to be honest.

Xavier's phone goes off, revealing a text from an unknown source. Was this a scam? There has always been some new one popping up whenever the last caller gets blocked.

Hey. Your emo exchange guy shared your number. 1739 E Leaf Bay Road. Meet us there.

Emo exchange guy... Yup. Definitely Bakura.

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