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It is a typical Saturday so far, the sun overpowering the rain after their long and intense battle. Xavier, Bakura, Gabe, and Louis took refuge in Amira's house since its indoor pool, hot tub, home theater, air hockey table, and loving residents prove to be very enticing. However, there is just one obstacle keeping them away from immersing in the luxuries. Amira has a little sister, Leah, who is clingy at best and spoiled at worst. The ten year old cannot stand not being included in whatever Amira and her friends are doing.

Xavier usually doesn't mind Leah tagging along, as she can be cute and funny when she is well-behaved. But here they are, in Amira's leather seated car, Bakura and Leah bickering about why the former's hair is so long and ugly looking.

Leah: Your hair looks like a thousand albino rats went up your head and died.

Bakura: Perhaps some of them are still living as we speak, waiting to feast on your flesh~ Want to have a look for yourself?~

Leah: Augh! Amira, your new friend's scary!!

Amira: (sighs) Just ignore him, his hair isn't made out of rats. We should be at Water World pretty soon.

Leah: Yay! Water World! I'm gonna ride on the big kid rides!

Xavier: I mean... you can probably be tall enough for some of them now, Leah. Maybe not any major hitters-

Leah: That's right! I'm a big girl now, so I'm gonna go on big kid rides and make Vicky look like a chump!

Gabe: Hey, Bakura! Have you ever been to a water park before? Were there any in your dimension?

Bakura: Eh, there may have been some, but none that I have been. Hell, I never even went to an amusement park period.

Gabe: Gee, man, you're missing out! The sensation of water getting into your swim trunks is incredible! And the water slides... Damn, they can be exhilarating!

Louis: I mean, I never swam recently. Gender dysphoria and that sh- (looks at Leah) . . . crap. Not starting now.

Amira: (parks her car amongst the army of family vans) Okay, we're here! For the love of God, put on some sunscreen when we get here, I don't want to be grounded over someone else's sunburn!

Leah: (leaps out of the car) WATER WORLD!!!

Gabe: WATER WORLD!!!! (Lifts Leah on his shoulders and runs as they both yell WATER WORLD)

Xavier: Um, B-Bakura... There is a gift shop nearby. You can probably buy swim trunks there. (Hands him $40) Please be civil here... This is a family-friendly establishment, so...

Bakura: I know the gist behind family sensitivities, I can live. Though I can't make promises if a child decides to be a pest.

The entrances of Water World are jam-packed with the smells of chlorine from multiple water rides, the sounds of children screaming with childish joys or cries, and the sights of water rides of every shape and size. It is honestly not Xavier's go-to establishment, but it would keep Leah and Gabe entertained at the very least. He is also counting on Gabe wanting to drag Bakura to every single ride since the other three teenagers are not big into the water park scene.

With what he has seen out of the anime character, Xavier hypothesizes a 30% chance that a child would die in the hands of Bakura. He does not like those odds. At all. And it isn't like Gabe and Leah would be much help since they are high on stimulation and fun.

God damn it, Xavier is gonna have to swim...


The first ride is Glacier Run, which consists of eight slides with two bumps before it slides the person down to the end. A tamer ride to start the day off with, but not without its issues. With the lifeguard invested in her world of Snapchat, the children are left to go whenever and wherever they want. These circumstances mix into a bubbling cauldron of chaos, each slide acting as a battle royale for screaming children. Leah proves to be no exception as she pushes herself ahead of the other children in line (more of a bundle than anything).

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