Blood Red Graffiti

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Throughout his time in Denver, Bakura would have a morning routine ahead of him: Get up earlier than everyone else, nom on a Pop Tart, grab his newly acquired spray paint, go out into the city, and graffiti whatever blank wall he can find. Everywhere is his canvas and the city would soon be decked in his artwork.

This is the artist's way of making something of the damned world he lived in, as he slowly but surely encompasses it into his vision. There are no limits for Bakura either. An alley wall, apartment front door, window of a fast food restaurant, and even the entrance of a hospital are not safe from his artistic vision. Whatever was blank, Bakura is sure to add his twisted decor to it.

All his paintings are not for any passerby whose heart can easily give out from emotional shock. A bloody golden eye, a pile of skeletons, and a thief ripping the soul out of a Pharaoh's chest capture his demented fascinations in illuminating detail. All his desires to kill and have fun with it are displayed for Denver to see. For Bakura, he feels at peace while graffitiing, as if he can finally be able to express himself.

And besides, it is shocking to himself that he makes a damn good artist.

Unfortunately, most people cannot value the murals like how Bakura can, as he finds himself on the run from the police yet again. The graffiti artist rams into civilians left and right as he clutches onto his box of spray paint for dear life. Every passing tower looks the same as the one before it, but the sirens wailing behind Bakura make it clear that they can chase him around the entire city. He will make it out of the eyes of the cops... He has to...

But even the King of Thieves can slip up. One turnaround back for a can of red spray paint later and Bakura finds himself pinned to the ground and cuffed. He screwed himself over spray paint...

Those cops would be dead by now, but Bakura is still reminded that this world is limited and shitty.


Starla: You were caught doing what?!

There Bakura sits in a jail cell, the family he is staying with staring at him through the cramped cell. Starla is fuming, her eyes unloading the arrows and ready to go on a shooting spree against her target. Xavier and Jamie can only stand back and watch as the two argumentative and intimidating figures have at it with each other.

Bakura: Isn't it obvious? I spray-painted on public buildings!

Starla: You graffitied?! On a hospital wall, nonetheless?! You're my son's age, you should know that this was not only unethical but moronic!

Bakura: They only have me in here because they don't appreciate the value of spicing up this mundane world!

Starla: No, they have you in there because you defaced private property! That is against the law!

Bakura: And why should I care about a law that doesn't benefit me?! When had these rules ever worked for anyone?!

Starla: They are made to keep the world intact so that anarchy doesn't spread! Otherwise, society would crumble!

Bakura: Pfft, and you think setting rules wouldn't cause people to want to break them? (Chuckles) They'd want to go against them even more~

Starla: (glares at him, then turns to her husband. The bows in her eyes are set in place)

Jamie: (sighs) Starla, we shouldn't ruin a child's life over graffiti. One minor sentence later and he'll commit a murder. I'll even pay for the bail.

Starla: Fine. But we are certainly NOT advocating for him. What this boy needs is a support system for the homeless. And Xavier... You need better influences.

Xavier: I-I-I...

Is Xavier going to say something? Anything? Is he going to stammer and clamp up like he does regularly? Now, in a moment where it matters? Bakura hates to admit it, but Xavier could be the only person who would want to help him. Loss of contact with him could mean that he could be stuck in this alternate reality... forever...

Could Bakura find the information himself with the Millennium Ring inactive? Could he continue his world domination plans with Zorc Necrophades absent? Him being there, the manga and anime series, these cursed newfound feelings of fear and glee... They were never answered yet, god damn it! He can't expect himself to rot someplace random!

And yet... Xavier clamps up. As he always does...


The homeless shelter is supposed to be the place where Bakura would be kept locked up. It is the place where he is supposed to spend his days in with other people down on their luck. Overall, not an ideal location for him, but Bakura never found any place to consider "home", not even in his dimension.

Well, except... except... No. No. He can't think of that... Not now...

Fate has given Bakura a stroke of unexpected, if morbid, luck. The homeless shelter the family seeks is barricaded by cop cars and forensic trucks, the team of law enforcement crowding around the building with tools and guns. With her whole career strung in legality and criminal justice, Starla does not attempt to hold back her interest as she marches up to the officers, the three males following suit.

Starla: Excuse me, Officer, what is going on here?

Officer 1: Starla Southard! (Eyes her husband, son, and Bakura) Stand back, everyone! This shelter is under police investigation!

Jamie: Investigation? For what?

Starla: Jamie, that information is for them to keep silent about to not cause panic.

Jamie: Well, we were just about to send someone over to the shelter, I think we have a right to know.

Officer 2: I-I would advise against that, for the t-time being... (whispers to Starla)

Starla: (her eyes widen and her hands stiffen) . . . I suppose it wouldn't make for an ideal situation... (sighs) If you find the perpetrator, let me know. They're going to need a good attorney to get out of this...

The rest of the dialogue exchanged did not catch Bakura's attention as the streak of gold paint lure his eyes over to the alleyway next door to the shelter. It is blocked off with police tape, but it is not like that would be effective against his curiosities eating him alive. Nonetheless, Bakura's stubbornness to find out wins him over. He thinks he recognizes the shape, but his mind would have to play tricks on him. It cannot be...



The Millennium Necklace is spray painted on the wall, with its attention to detail regarding the rims and the eye in the middle making it distinct. But why here? In a middle of a crime scene, nonetheless? Who the hell could have this information? Is it connected to the hell ride next door?

One thing is for sure... It is connected to Bakura's presence in Denver...

Jamie: Bakura. Get out of the crime scene.

Bakura: (turns to Jamie) We're not associated anymore. Don't get in my way and I'll stay out of- (Jamie ends up dragging him out anyway) You-! What did I just bloody say?! (Pulls his arm out of the man's grasp)

Jamie: Cops were looking at you funny. The shelter's not looking for anyone, so you're still associated.

Bakura: (face turns grimmer before masquerading it with a smirk) And here I thought I was unwelcome~ That was the verdict we agreed upon, wasn't it? Your wife and son certainly don't think I should be granted association.

Jamie: (gives a smile) Xavier isn't like you, kid. He couldn't stand butting his opinion in, even when he should. He likes you, kid. I can tell... Plus, you still have our house key.

Bakura: You... (pulls the key out of his pocket, then raises it to Jamie's face) Then take it!

Jamie: (grabs his hand) Gladly.

God damn it. At least Bakura would have a roof under his head from the oncoming rain the clouds are sure to bring. As for Starla and Xavier, however, the thunder and rain will still make for a dreary rest of the day.

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