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With all the others off with their own lives, Bakura can now commence with his own in his personal space. Yes, Lana is still hitting the vape, but as long as she ignores him, then he doesn't care. This gives him enough energy to think of his next course of action.

Firstly, there comes the question of how Bakura got sent to another dimension in the first place. It happened after he... well, died, so it could be safe to assume that this is some weird sort of afterlife. Perhaps it could even be a hellscape where he is stripped of anything that gave him power, like his duel deck, capabilities of the Millennium Ring, and Zorc's influence. This normal-looking city would be a dungeon for him if that were the case, cold and grueling and with no sort of fear to strike at some unsuspecting victim.

Then again, could Bakura just become a serial killer? He'll think about that...

The odd aspect of this world that, honestly, spooks the thief is that he technically does exist in this world. If people were to read this "Yu-Gi-Oh" manga or watch the anime, they'd at least know about him and his escapades. Bakura is merely a character, however, and not a genuine force to be reckoned with. He isn't sure whether to call this dimension meek or pathetic or to come to terms with his lack of awareness of what it is capable of.

After all, he'd have to have been brought here for a reason...

Bakura picks up a tin can, too faded to even distinguish the branding of it, and throws it at a nearby alley cat. The cat, as black as the night, hisses and scurries off. Bakura chuckles at his newfound sense of superiority against one soul in this world.

Lana: Oooh, black cat? That's bad luck, buddy.

Bakura: I thought you were done acknowledging my presence.

Lana: I was, but now I'm bored. Soooo... (eyes the Millennium Ring) This a relic or something?

Bakura: This is the Millennium Ring, one of seven Millennium Items. It helps to deal with low leveled fiends such as yourself~ With a Shadow Game or two-

Lana: Don't care. Talk money to me, my dude! How much is this baby worth?

Bakura: It is not made to be sold wildly! And besides, not everyone can survive wearing the Ring around their neck~

Lana: Surprised you can. You look like an albino cat that got left behind in a sewer.

Bakura: This isn't even my body. I took it from some boy naively thinking that he'll make friends out of it. (Chuckles) I do commend him for not dying though. I like his haircut.

Lana: Eh, I guess I can see some screamo band pulling it off... Never mind that. You can totally make friends with this! I mean, if you get money outta it. People love rich folks like me!

Bakura: I don't see those four loving you that much, but whatever your delusional mind thinks.

Lana: . . . I-It's mainly just Amira, that stupid bitch...

Bakura: (smirks) Oh no, the others are just as uncomfortable. After all, who can ever love a thief such as yourself?

Lana zooms herself up and gets right to Bakura's face, her face seething as if a pot of boiling water has reached the top and is about to blow up. Bakura, being used to clicking people's buttons until they break, can only react with the same smug smirk. He knows that it would make her more angry, which would be a great comedy act.

Lana: You shut the fuck up, you don't even know jackshit! Those three are just influenced by Amira and her smug ass bitch self, that's it! They do like me! I... I know they do because they'll go along with me!

Bakura: Is that fear I sense? How... euphoric~ I don't even need to have you begging for your life and you'll still be afraid~

Lana: Fuck you, I'm not afraid of you, cunt! I knifed you once and I can do it again!

Bakura: Then do it~ Aim for the heart!!

Just as when Lana begins to reach for her pocket knife in an impulsive attempt to kill him, the spirits from above stop her from ruining her life with a roar of thunder. The gray clouds smash into each other as they make cold, wet pellets that are made to drench Bakura, Lana, and whoever else is unfortunate enough to be outside.

Lana: Damn it, my makeup's gonna be ruined... (gives a middle finger to Bakura) Fuck you. (Runs off)

After a minute, Bakura could not help but erupt into a fit of sadistic laughter. That's one more person to hate him and a rush of power that he has gained. These people are pathetic. Xavier is easily flustered, Lana's anger can be pressed with her insecurities being revealed, and lord knows what he could do with the others in Denver.

It feels amazing... After looking like a squirming slime ball, yearning for his energy to be reclaimed, Bakura is back to his roots. He can easily have some fun being an asshole while looking for a way out. It feels all the more familiar back in Domino City, except the people here are far more pathetic.

. . . Damn rain... Leaving inappropriate chills...

Bakura leans against his wall, arms around his legs in a vain attempt to generate body warmth. Even with that, the drizzle grows rampant and cold, his bare skin drenched with the agonizing effects. Bakura is the King of Thieves, however, having stolen plenty of jewels, souls, and whatever he needs. He can tolerate being outside for one rainy day.

Wait... Where can he even live?

The question dawns on him for two hours. Yes, two hours of the rain trying to kill Bakura with the grueling work of nature crushing him. This is mainly because he is much too busy trying to find ways to relieve boredom and not get sick at the same time. The alley, however, does not give too many options for either of these wishes.

He cannot cough... He cannot shiver... He cannot show weakness... That is not allowed...

Damn this rain. Damn this boredom. Bakura feels himself cursing under every breath as his stomach churns, his hair loses its natural floof, and his clothes adding to the cold more than helping fight against it. The rains of hell have come to punish Bakura, and for what? Poking fun at a girl's insecurities? He could have easily killed her if he wanted to.

One thing of Bakura's remains partly dry: The house key. He tells himself that he doesn't need it, practically forcing himself into keeping this instilled in his mind.

He's gonna die...

He doesn't need it.

He's going to die without his plans complete...

He doesn't need it.

He would die alone...

He doesn't need it.

He would die a pit stain in this world...

He... doesn't need it...

He would die cold and bitter, hungry and tired...

He... doesn't... need it...

He would die having failed Kul Elna...

He... needs it...


Xavier's house is honestly impressive looking, its white paint and size that makes up at least two stories towering above Bakura in every fashion. Its stone pathway to the door, the yard separating the house from being too close to its neighbors, and the garden with a wide variety of flowers and crops make it look gorgeous. Then again, anything is more impressive than the shitty apartment Ryou bought.

Bakura rechecks the address. It is Xavier's place... He crosses his arms together and forced himself into the front porch before he can change his mind. Bakura rings the doorbell, immediately looking down at the clean and crisp floors. He's going to hate this... He'll spend his days thinking of this as the lowest point of his career as a soul-stealing fiend.

Oh well. Better than dying.

Xavier's Pops: (opens the door) Um... Can I help you?

Bakura: Is... Is Xavier around...? (Cringes to himself)

Xavier's Pops: Sure, I'll get him. (Turns around) XAVIER!! ONE OF YOUR HOT TOPIC PALS IS HERE!!

Xavier: (comes from downstairs) Dad, you know I'm the only one who shops there, not any of my... (stares at Bakura) Bakura...?

Yes. This is a mistake. No going back now though...

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