The Theory of Dimension Hopping

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The girl died
Yet she's happy
She stares at the light
And she's happy

Maybe death
Will make him happy
Seeing Kul Elna
Will make him happy

He's stuck living
Stuck in fantasy
Nothing's working
Struck by reality

These new feelings
No numbing required
Is not something
Bakura had desired

The girl died
She was happy
Will his death
Make him happy?


The next day has arisen, and the squirrels and bird neighbors make a melody to wake their human dwellers up. Bakura lays on the couch, squeezing onto a nearby pillow to bask in a groan. It is day two in Denver and the weight under his back traps him from getting off the bits of warmth of the blanket.

It is safe to say that Bakura did not get much sleep last night, if at all. He never is the best at self-care, as the body he leeches out of has the benefit of letting his host suffer from his lack of care. Now that Ryou isn't here, however, Bakura's body gives the warning signs that it needs sleep, something he is not used to. His eyes threaten to close, yet some stimulation forces him awake, whether it is the birds chirping or his stubbornness.

Just five more minutes... five more...


In times like this, Bakura wishes he can still send people to the Shadow Realm.


Bakura: If it gets you to shut up...

Gabe: THAT... is probably not gonna happen. I can't keep quiet for the life of me.

Bakura: (groans) You have no idea how much blood I want to spill out of you right now...

Gabe: (winces) Kay, man, I gotcha. Don't wake you up during your beauty sleep... Which granola bar? Chocolate chip or chocolate drizzled?

Bakura: (grips the chocolate chip one, all the while his eyes throw daggers at Gabe)

Gabe: Ahhhh, the delectable powers of chocolate... OKAY, LET'S GO!!!

Gabe grabs Bakura's arm, nearly clawing it, and rushes out of his house. The sun rises and hits both of them in the face, making Bakura hiss at the glowing sun while Gabe still wears his cheeky grin. Every twist and turn that the ray of sunshine makes as he zooms past the neighborhood jolts the shadowy figure around as if he is just spare luggage. Bakura's legs can barely feel the ground anymore due to Gabe's speed, but balance and gravity manage to sever any sort of clarity that the thief would end up okay.

Eventually, though, it is Gabe who faces the wrath of nature. One slip on a rock later and he finds himself face-planting on the sidewalk, flinging Bakura out of his grasp and rolling onto the street until his arms are bruised and his jeans are ripped. On the bright side, for Gabe at least, Lake Creek is just around the corner.

Louis: Damn. Wipeout.

Gabe: (his voice is too muffled by the sidewalk to be able to distinguish what he's saying, but he gives a thumbs up)

Bakura: I think my blasted wounds just reopened...

Louis: Wash 'em by the lake. It'll get the blood out, at least.

Bakura: (groans and staggers onto the lake, not caring about skin exposure as his jeans, shirt, and underwear lay on the ground)

Amira and Xavier seem to mind though, as both of them immediately have blood rush onto their cheeks. Amira immediately turns away while Xavier is as a still as a statue that had their whole face covered with pink and red graffiti.

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