Welcome to Denver, Bitch

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His head throbs with pain...

His chest heaves his breaths...

His hand clutches onto his pant legs...

Yet he refuses to open his eyes...

His pride won't allow him. He failed to get revenge...

He failed to defeat the Pharaoh...

He failed Kul Elna...

So Bakura lays on the heating ground, his back being fried as if he was being grilled like those steaks he loved so much. Even if he is to open his eyes, the sun would most certainly wait to irritate them. And yet the tingling sensation in his arm makes him stir. His skin is pressed by something pointy...

Poke. Poke. Poke.

???: (most certainly a voice of a child) Is he dead?

???: (definitely another child) I saw him move, stupid.

Bakura opens his eyes to glance at two rascal boys, one immediately backing away and another one still poking him with a stick. Whether it is out of sheer survival or rage, the instinct to take the child's stick and break it is inevitable.

Bakura: Damn bastards! Get out of my sight!

The boys scurry off, leaving Bakura out on the side of the road. The road... This is not what he envisioned the afterlife to be. The chitters and chirps of squirrels and birds, the green of the trees, the newly paved roads with little gravel, and the smell of the nearby smoker... This is not the afterlife. It's just some typical forest with dwellers.

Why would Bakura be here? What is here? It's certainly not Egypt nor Domino City. This is unfamiliar to the thief... so why is he here?

Wait... One touch to his chest and... Is the Millennium Ring seriously missing?!

What the fuck?! As if his already existing annoyance and rage was not bubbling up as it is! The kettle should be steaming inside his pent up mind right at this moment!

Bakura: The ring!! Where is it?! Where is the Millennium Ring?! THOSE BLOODY BASTARDS, GOD DAMN IT!!!

It had to be those two boys who snatched it from him. It had to be! He could easily send them to the Shadow Realm for making him genuinely pissed off during his moment of defeat!

And that he does. The boys never exactly went too far. His targets are initiated... and he charges at them.


Boy #2: Oh shit! Run!!

And so the chase is on, between a seemingly teenage boy after two fourth graders as they run off to the city landscape. If this is not a sight to cause concern, then nothing is.


As Xavier steps into the city streets, the rise of excitement incapacitates his heart. There it is, a piece of ancient jewelry in Lana's hand about to bestow him Paramore tickets. Glory is grasping at his fingertips...

The pawn shop is nothing too special. It is just some small building with the inside consisting of wooden brown walls and glass containers consisting of other artifacts, jewels, old toys and books, and more. With him eyeing this golden necklace that Lana is gripping like her life depended on it, they meet with the pawn shop employee. His black shades cover both his eyes, which gives Xavier a "chill" vibe around him.

Pawn Shop Worker: Back again, Lana. Whatcha got me this time?

Lana: Check this out, Rich! (Slams the necklace down on the counter) Look at it and tell me that this isn't real gold!

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