Bakura: Existential Crisis King

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Mile High Comics. The store of every superhero, manga, and even those age old comic's dreams. The place is stacked with all types, the smell of a fresh opened page encompassing the space. Bakura is no stranger to a manga shop, Ryou has been to those in his spare time. At this level, however, there will bound to be new things to discover.

While answers as to where he is and how to get back are still essential, the Hellsing manga is also intriguing.

Louis: Oooh, Hellsing. Good pick.

Bakura: (his eyes wide with anticipation) Can a person really bleed that much?

Louis: Yeah, definitely. We have a lot of blood in our system.

Bakura: (looks back at the manga and snickers) I love it~

Louis: Hey! Now that we're here... You wanna go and meet Bebe?

Bakura: No.

Louis: . . . You wanna see your manga, at least?

Bakura: My man- I don't have a manga. Unless any passerby who's heard of me did some fan written works.

Louis: Ohhh, people would do those all the time. Although... not usually in the form of manga...


Louis: Great! Let's go!

Louis squeezes Bakura's arm and rushes over to where Gabe screamed, all the while the thief clutches onto his (yes, his) Hellsing manga for dear life. There, Gabe has himself surrounded in a fortress of Yu-Gi-Oh manga, from the original down to its most recent edition.

Gabe: Here we are! Pretty much all the chapters of every Yu-Gi-Oh story ever! I don't know where to start!

Louis: Should we just start from the beginning, I guess?

Gabe: Yup! Uhhh... how do we...

Louis: Mangas usually start in the back of the book.

Gabe: Oh, I... didn't know that... (opens a page and immediately shoves the manga in Bakura's face) YOU KNOW HIM?!

Bakura: (pushes Gabe) Get that off my face, you...

The covers depicts a familiar face, vibrant and disgustingly wholesome. Yugi Muto, the wielder of the Millennium Puzzle, the human that managed to defeat the dark spirit... There is no doubt that it's him.

But why would Yugi be on the cover of the manga? Perhaps this King of Games got popular enough to spawn these "fan works" of the puny runt? How long was Bakura passed out for? There are hundreds of these...

Hundreds... A lot of time spent reimagining the pharaoh's host's tale... Meanwhile, Bakura is left here, not even able to hear the two voices of Ryou and Zorc...

This sort of rage feels new... It's not the usual pompous and villainous anger that is usually what he depicts. This anger feels more personal, as if the blow to his body got him to feel the stinging sensation. This feeling doesn't feel numb anymore... It is raw and it is disgusting...

Louis: . . . Y'know him?

Bakura: Yugi... (curls his fingers around the manga until it crinkles) That runt...

Gabe: You know him! Great! So... now what? He came out of the manga or what?

Louis: If only we can figure out a possibility of how that may occur... Bakura. What happened before you got to Denver?

Bakura: Yugi did this! Once he beat me in the duel in the Memory World! He was the one who sent me here, he had to be!!

Louis: (nods) So this "Yugi" simply sent you to some alternate dimension, aka the real world. But how can some fictional space effect reality...?

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