The Human/Spirit Membrane

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With Bakura chilling at his place and succumbing to a Netflix binge, Xavier goes to Mile High Comics alone. It is packed at the moment, with kids, teenagers, and their parents rampaging around the store in hopes of whatever comic, graphic novel, or manga they yearn for. As such, employees such as Bebe are hard at work, their arms being tied into dozens of knots in order to prevent the crowd flood to crash down and kill their spirits. Xavier almost feels sorry for his friend having to fight through all this and is scared for himself that his parents would expect him to get a job like this. He would have shut down right there and then.

It doesn't seem like a good time at the moment, not with the relenting army of yapping children and screaming mothers. So Xavier decides on the next course of action... Looking up Bakura's Wikipedia page. Sure, he might have to take everything with a grain of salt since everyone can edit it to whatever they desire, but he cannot deny the dedication some fans of TV programs would go to preserve reliable information. Xavier would know, given his experience with fandom sites.

The first thing to catch his mind is how Bakura was never a human in the first place. He was an ancient spirit that, through the Millennium Ring, possessed a teenage boy named Ryou Bakura. Xavier does remember that, during his first encounter with the thief, he called out Ryou's name to no avail. He ponders over the possibility that, during the moments of genuine happiness, it was Ryou that was in control. Is it some sort of back-and-forth Jekyll and Hyde situation? Can they peacefully coexist, or are they in a battle over the chance to gain a livelihood?

Looking through the origins behind the malicious spirit, Xavier spots a new name: Zorc Necrophades. A shard of his soul was sealed into the Millennium Ring Bakura wears, alongside the soul of some bandit king of the same name. At least it explains Bakura's "King of Thieves" title, but that would also mean... Bakura was never an individual in the first place. Rather, he was some sort of mixture between an ancient thief and... whatever Zorc was. Maybe that could give a reason as to why the spirit has a superiority complex against humans such as Xavier.

He is about to dig deeper into the hole, reaching out to the link to grant him access to Zorc's page until...

Bebe: Hey, Xavier!

Xavier: WAUGH!! (Almost flies his phone into the air before stumbling his hands to keep grasp) B-Bebe! Hi! Uhh...

Bebe: I am so happy you're here, Xavier, you cannot believe how busy it is today! Thank god my shift ended!

Xavier: No kidding, it looked busy in there... I-I came here to see you. And, uh... You know more about Yu-Gi-Oh than anyone else...

Bebe: Oh oh oh! What is it? Is the Millennium Ring working or is this about Bakura's history or you wanna learn more about the other characters?

Xavier: I... Well, it says on the Wiki page that Bakura is a spirit, of some sort.

Bebe: Yeah, he's a fusion between Akefia, otherwise known as Thief King Bakura, and Zorc Necrophades, the source of the dark power that fuels the Millennium Items.

Xavier: The source... Wait! Could that be why the Ring isn't working? Because this Zorc guy isn't here?

Bebe: I don't know, I think it would've still worked even without him... But hey, I'm clueless on the whole multiverse stuff unless it is directly explained in the media.

Xavier: N-No, that would be stupid... Bakura is a creation between Zorc and that thief, so... but he is possessing someone else's body, so... God, this is confusing...

Bebe: When you put it like that, yeah. You make it sound like his host isn't present when he literally has his body-

Xavier: Because he isn't! Bakura called out to him and got nothing!

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