The World is Confusing

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Ripped from the seams
Dead night sleeves
Bare and naked
Exposed to the world

Lifted into the clouds
Cozy comforts
Pink and white
Giggling ensues

Ached by the chest
Beating pain
Growls and grunts
It hurts so much

Clouds turning grey
Thundering roars
Fright and screams
No longer empty

He's a boy
Youthful chills
Helpless and small
Alone in the world

The thief screams
Another nightmare
Ryou and Zorc
Where are they now?


The dawn sky is a mixture of golden yellow signifying the sun's glow and the light blue that accompany it. On this 6 AM morning, there is only Xavier, Bakura, and Amira by Lake Creek with the two boys being groggy and ready to slam back into bed. The latter, meanwhile, has her eyelids as wide as ever and is more prepped up for the day.

Amira: Xavier, why did you want us to meet this early in the morning...? You needed to plan this better.

Xavier: (points at Bakura) He's actually the one who wanted to insinuate the meeting, not me... (yawns)

Amira: (raises her eyebrows) Oh? This better be important, Bakura. You don't just expect everyone to come here this early in the-

Bakura: I need to get out of here. Soon. No... Now.

Amira: Did... something happen? Does it have to do with the murder being connected to one of those... jewel things? Whatever they were called...

Bakura: It's not about the damn murderer, I can handle them in my sleep. It's... It's...

Xavier: Is something wrong, Bakura? Whatever it could be, I'm sure it can be easily fixed-


Amira: Feeling... what exactly?

Xavier: Um, i-is this about... Bakura... What emotions are you talking about?

Bakura: (glared at Xavier) . . . Do you think it's peculiar too? There is something wrong with me, is there?

Xavier: N-No, not wrong, just... different. I mean, I don't know what you're like in the show, s-so maybe I'm wrong...

Bakura: (groans and lays down on the ground) I'm not supposed to be this... vulnerable. I'm a dark spirit meant to bring upon an apocalyptic darkness... Reshape it to how Zorc wanted it...

Amira: Zorc? Who is that?

Bakura: (smirks) Zorc Necrophades is a dark god prophesied to plunge my world into eternal darkness and despair. He makes up a shard of my soul, and to that, I hold him in great value. (Looks down, smirk dissipating) I... I think he's gone now...

Xavier: (conflicting with whether to be sympathetic or relieved) I'm... sorry?

Amira: If he's gone, then... shouldn't part of your soul be gone as well? How do you feel, exactly?

Bakura: That's exactly it! I'm feeling things I've never felt! I... You can feel all these different emotions and I... (slams his hands on the ground) FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! I'M REPLICATING THAT, DAMN IT!!!

Xavier: You... feel more human?

Bakura: Don't... Don't you dare say it like that... It sounds pathetic.

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