Rengoku x Giyuu

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Rengoku gets really quiet when he fucks Giyuu. Hes so absorbed with the moment he doesnt need too many words.

He likes to almost force Giyuu to eat little snacks when they fuck. Mochi is Kyojuros favorite to feed Giyuu

Kyojuro doesnt just get off to cross dressing, he gets off to the whole process. The makeup, tucking, putting on womens clothes

Kyojuro in general thinks men look good in feminine clothing. He would cum upon sight if he ever got to see Giyuu in like an Oiran or other prostitutes clothing

Giyuu really likes when Kyojuro lets him ride him, its a beautiful angle to see Kyojuro from

Since Kyojuros hearing is so bad, Giyuu can get away with talking about almost anything, and he does

He has actively told Kyojuro about some of his most fuck up sexual fantasies and Kyojuro had no idea. Like how Giyuu would thourally enjoy being taken to one of those shady clubs and publicly humiliated, or how fun he thinks it would be if Kyojuro basically just tied him up and used him all day. Never letting him go or anything, just using him

Giyuu always swallows. Always.

Rengoku sometimes just gets bored when Giyuus over and will have him sit in his lap while he plays with his ass

Giyuus most sensitive area is probably his ass. Rengoku will lightly spank him because its the equivalent of a serious spank for a normal person

Giyuu will straight up cry if Rengoku spanks him too hard or does something too much and Rengoku will always stop untill hes ready again

Rengoku has fucked Giyuu in a few odd positions, but he knows how to make that dick go deep

Sometimes when Giyuu asks he will tell him he can, but always with a random restriction. Like, cant take his pants off or can't touch a part of his body.

Usually Rengoku does let Giyuu have control when he does that, but Giyuu never has as much control as he thinks he does

One time Rengoku said Giyuu couldn't remove his pants, so Giyuu struggled through Rengokus pants to play with his dick, and eventually Giyuu was naked rubbing his dick against Rengokus butt while Kyojuro just giggled about how desperate he was being.

The closest Giyuu has ever gotten to his obsession with public humiliation was Rengoku essentially making a tape of Giyuu helplessly sucking him off. He looked painfully desperate and was a mess the whole time. He then (with Giyuus knowledge) sent it to Mitsuri. Mitsuri has never let Giyuu live that down.

Rengokus favorite is when whatever their doing, Giyuu tells him how pretty he looks. Hes always very sweet and very kind

Giyuu doesn't get off to praise or degrading so...Rengoku kinda just rants when he fucks Giyuu.

Giyuus hands always get super shakey when they fuck

Kyojuro really likes to put toys in Giyuu and run around with him. He will shove a vibrating plug up his ass and drag Giyuu around shopping for a bit and Giyuu just has to be super calm. He always brings like Tengen or Mitsuri who knows damn wel Giyuus ready to fall over

Rengoku isn't worried about people seeing the BJ video or the toys stuff because its purely sexual, nothing even kind of romantic

Rengoku really enjoys sucking and playing with Giyuus balls so they 69 a lot. Or he makes Giyuu sit on the counter so he can suck them

Rengoku really really likes suckling Giyuus nipples. He will hold him super tightly and go at it for an hour.

Rengoku has let Giyuu fuck him once and it did get recorded but nobody has seen it. That one time Giyuu did completely top Rengoku, which wasnt expected

They dont fuck all the time but they have a good sex life.

It usually starts when Rengoku is mostly being sweet and hugging on Giyuu and being all touchy. He doesn't usually go in with that intent

The other way it usually starts is when either just needs attention in that manner. They straight up just ask

After, they always clean up and snuggle. And Rengoku always tells Giyuu how good he did and much he enjoyed it. He also always makes sure he is ok and that Kyojuro didnt do it too hard. And sometimes he will give him little snacks after. Like onigiri or sushi. Especially if they do it early.

Kyojuro is very rough during, but he takes very good care of Giyuu after. And usually when theyve had a rather...rough time he will carry Giyuu because he knows his legs are tired

On a kinky scale, Rengoku is kinda a 3 with Giyuu. They just dont need to spice it up. Its good enough without it. But they occasionally do some things.

Giyuu genuinely enjoys being stepped on. Like Rengoku has fully stood on him

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