Giyuu x Obanai

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Another request for my offspring. Ur welcome i feel like mothering 💅🏻

Obanai and Giyuu got more comfortable around eachother after Giyuu actually got to explain why he feels hes different from everyone else. Obanai actually really heavily sympathized with him and that helped him not hate Giyuu so much.

Obanai pretty comfortably bottoms for Giyuu. However, he really likes when he can tell Giyuu what to do but still have Giyuu being dominant. The main reason is Giyuu is kinda just...he doesnt know what to do with himself.

Giyuu is very kissy and Obanai actually really likes that. Like Giyuu wont leave hickeys but he will just kiss Obanai everywhere.

Obanai found out Giyuu liked getting scratched when he accidentally scratched his back, apologized, and Giyuu said it was fine.

Obanai is kinda hard core into like...shibari. Sometimes he will ask Tomioka to just let him tie him up, and given that hes just doing decorative rope stuff Tomioka can still move.

Tomioka likes restraining his partner but not being restrained. Its hard to dominate Obanai when he can't move 💀

If they had phones, they'd be sending eachother explicit texts all the time oh my god. Like, during any time of the day one knew the other was busy there would be a horny asf text sent.

Tomioka would LOOVVVEEEE writing on Obanai. Or like drawing on him. He wouldn't write anything mean, mostly just nice stuff but he would enjoy writing on him.

Obanais favorite thing to do when Tomioka is on top, is to like run his hands down his chest. Almost petting him but not really. He wouldn't be weird he just would want to touch Giyuu.

Giyuu swears by toys, and Obanai is often the victim of vibrators and other toys. They really do add a bit of fun in different ways to the bedroom.

Aftercare is on POINTTT. Again, Giyuu will cry 100% after sex. So, Obanai will make him tea and once hes done crying make him his salmon he loves so much. Obanai really likes having some physical space from Tomioka, just to let his body rest up. Then, whenever its time to sleep or take a nap after he likes to be close again.

Ok ok yall are NAWT ready for what's next (yes you are its Kokuzan)

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