Shinjuro x Ruka (but its not spicy its an Au)

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So in this Au Ruka is a demon. But shes a full on demon like nezuko kinda, she still however needs human flesh to survive, just not much. Also, this is VERY much inspired by daki and her brothers story. So think about them, and kinda apply the vibes here.

Ruka was a normal woman living a relatively normal life. When she was attacked. She was thought to be killed but turned into a demon. Her husband returned home to find his wife a bloody crazed mess.

But he couldn't kill her, so, he did everything he could to try and restore anything left in her. He had never heard of a demon that ever had humanity left and never had he heard of turning one back into a human.

Shinjuro was the first in his family to become a demon slayer. The rest of the men has been warriors. But, he gave up the honor in hopes of saving his wifes life. Restoring it, anything.

He ended up putting her in a box with wisteria. That way she would never be strong enough to actually really break out and cause issues. However, one night he fell hard on the box (demon attack) and it broke. And she was free.

Instead of being...completely insane like before though she stayed by his side and eventually ended up sitting patiently and waiting on him to finish killing the demon.

She was obviously restraining herself from the ammout of drool spilling out of her mouth and the look of almost dread in her eyes, but Shinjuro knew she was there. And he knew she wasnt too far gone to be saved. Or to be logical.

She got very excited when he sat down and talked to her for a little, and it was very hard to get her back in the box because she was so excited by him and seeing him for the first time.

He spent several years working very very hard to keep her safe while also working his way through the core. Eventually though, he was found out at the mid rank mark. He and Ruka were separated and he was put on trial before being sentenced to death.

Although he spent almost a complete day fighting the Hashira about it, it came down to one person deciding he should die. It was a 60/40 decision.

While his death was planned he was relatively compliant. He didnt join for himself, he didnt join to help people, he joined because he didnt want Ruka to suffer. He had no reason if he couldn't get to her to protest. She was likely already dead.

He had asked his family not to be told about his death. To just pretend like it never happend in the first place. His wish was granted and his father assumed he had completely lost it after his wifes death and was probably alone and dead somewhere.

He was killed, before Ruka was. However she had gotten ahold of one of the slayers (lower rank because she wasnt that strong) dealing with her when they tried to kill her and ate them. She ate a total of 3 that day.

She lost everything she had the day Shinjuro was killed for breaking the rules of the core. She vowed to one day kill everyone responsible. In just 50 years she made it to lower moon 6, and she was able to kill one of the Hashira responsible for her husbands death.

Unlike a demon like nezuko, she had completely lost her humanity. (Imagine daki and her brother) She had nothing left and basically became a bendable and very usable killing machine. It took a few hundred years to work her way up but she eventually worked her way up to upper moon 4 (where dakis brother would probs be if he didn't have her). She was eventually killed in the sword Smith village, and of course, she finally found peace in death.

She found Mitsuri, and of course Shinjuros story was an old one. It was believed to be a myth as it had changed with time. But, Kanroji recognized the vengeful woman from the story and Ruka simply gave up when Kanroji mentioned she knew who she was.

She held her arms out and let Kanroji take her head. She claims it felt like a warm hug to die. It was painless, and in the end she was reunited with her husband. He chose to give up heaven to spend eternity with her.

The love Hashira made up a story. She lied about the demon. She also had learned the real back story of Kyojuros ancestors. He had been told it was simply a long line of warriors and nobody knew much. But really, Ruka and Shinjuros son had grown up with a demon mother and a demon slayer father. That story didn't get passed on because Shinjuro died so early, and the child was only about 5 when it all happend.

Their child was raised by one of the Hashira who voted not to kill him (the  flame Hashira at the time) and the breathing style was passed down. This is where the story of Kyojuros family being the first flame users came from, even though its not real. Its not how it actually happend.

To tie up some lose ends, Ruka became vengeful after losing the only small tether to her humanity.

She had been kept at bay so long by the wisteria that she was also blood thirsty.

Yes this is set back like 280 something years from the og time line, as i said, Kyojuros ancestors covered the cores actions up.

This is honestly how i think Tanjiro and Nezuko could have ended up if the demon slayers decided to kill Tanjiro.

No, its not very...original, but im lazy and had an idea and its been done basically twice in the series. Daki and her brother have basically the same story as Nezuko and Tanjiro but different endings. This one is like a blend. So yes its obvious lazy im sorry 💔

'Ruka seemed so kind she would never' Ok but Muzan has control of his demons. It wouldn't entirely be HER there.

'Why didn't muzan kill the baby if you said they had kids' SHHHHH, i cant explain tbh be quiet.

'Will we get smut of demon Ruka?' If you want, but its probs not gonna follow this story line LMAO

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