Tengen x Sanemi

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Rare pair alert 📣📣📣🚨🚨🚨this is gonna be kinda fluffy and short sorry 👹

Tengen originally started talking to Sanemi because he was also albino, and slowly that 'oh hey we both have something in common' turned to 'oh hey this dude is really hot'

Tengen and Sanemi both run into everything. Like, they have no clue how far or close something is

Sanemi really likes snuggling with Tengens wives too. He never expected to have a happy family, and he never really got to be happy and genuinely in love. He absolutely cant turn down some affection

Sanemi and Tengens wives get along super well. Especially with Makio, they like that they can compare scars from years of work

Sanemi and Tengen make eachother bento on random occasions as a sorta gift thing. They dont buy eachother stuff, they make eachother stuff

Tengen once made the muscle mice build a little thing for Sanemis pets enclosure

Sanemi finds the muscle mice funny

Tengen and Sanemi grew really close when training. Sanemis sword and his skills were amazing, and Sanemi found it incredible watching Tengen do training because he didnt do regular training. He did mostly shinobi training

Sanemi and Tengen were really the first people the two opended up to about their pasts. They both had somewhat similar pasts. Hurting people they loved without wanting too. It was genuinely pretty therapeutic.

When Uzui said he was retiring Sanemi was one of the only people who didn't have anything negative to say. He simply told him he would still visit when he was free since they wouldn't see eachother much at work anymore and that he really hoped he had a good life if Sanemi didn't see him again one day

Sanemi came to visit Uzui a lot. He always got food snuggles and lots and lots of kisses when he came over

Since uzui likes to draw sometimes when Sanemi was having a bad day, especially with like his scars and stuff Tengen would draw little flowers on them. The ink usually stained for a day or so too so Sanemi got lots of time to enjoy his little flowers and pretty things.

Uzui likes Sanemis scary dog ass demeanor. He doesnt think it gives scary dog, to him it gives more of a tough guy look in a good way

These few will be smut just to have some in here 👹🚨

Uzui is usually pretty easy on Sanemi, he is rough but he isnt super aggresive if that makes sense

Uzui always compliments Sanemi. He always tells him hes beautiful and that he loves him

Uzui loves leaving hickeys and marks on Sanemi. Its the same logic as the flower thing. Sanemi likes to see those little love bites.

Sanemi has to hold onto Uzui. Doggy? Nope. He cant hold onto Uzui. Missionary? 10/10. He can hold him real close then

Sanemi whimpers a lot more than he like...moans or cries or anything else with Tengen

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