Rengoku x Mitsuri

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Mitsuri is a top 100%. Rengoku is a bitch 100%

She likes to sit in his lap with just panties and a bra on and be a menace. She will tell him he can do what he needs he just cant take them off. Bro gets creative, that's why she does it.

Kyojuro isn't just an ass or a boob guy, he just likes his women thick with a little bit of pudge. And Kanroji is exactly that.

He likes to just roam her body. Despite being the dom in the situation, Kyojuro is so easy to bend and break she doesn't have to tell him no to much.

She has had this man butt naked with a leash and a collar acting like an actual idiot because she asked him too and he doesn't have a concept of no when it comes to Kanroji

She had sat on his face many times. He much prefers when shes wearing her uniform over normal clothes because he gets more ass in his face.

He eats pussy like he has never been fed in his life

Kanroji lost her virginity to him and that was the first and last time he topped her. He did fuck her ever loving brains out though. Hashira stamina, pussy that can take it, it lasted a while

She has a LOT of clothes she wears specifically for him. And she has a fair amount of shoes and things like that too.

Sometimes she invites him over just to have sex and when she does she always wears said clothes. And he knows when she does because shes always wearing tall shoes of some sort and clothes a lot nicer than normal.

She really likes pinning him in corners. Like when he knows hes gonna get it, he also fully expects to get aggressively stripped while standing in a corner. She will push him pretty hard into the corner then get started on his clothes.

Shes rough on him, really rough

He gets pegged. Often.

Ya know how her sword is like a whip? She owns multiple and has used them. Her favorite is a black one braided to have little pinks hearts show through.

She also has a little pattle that has heart cut outs. Kyos had heart shaped bruises on his thighs and the back of his ass.

When they make out she likes to bite his lips, so they often have cuts and stuff on them and everyone assumes he has dry lips.

She likes to ride his face

She will scratch his back all the time, infact whenever he acts dumb in public she will scratch him and he fixes himself right up

He doesn't get punished often because hes really good and Kanroji praises him for that, but his punishments are bad when he gets them.

Kanroji has very subtle things she does to keep him in his place. She doesn't always have to fuck him to keep him where he needs to be.

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