Tengen x Rengoku

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Rengoku ran into Tengens room. "Tengen!" Tengen turned around to be met with a hug from Kyojuro.

"Well hello darling." Tengen ran his hands through Rengokus hair as he held onto him. It had been a while, honestly both were so busy- but they had time now! No time to waste either!

Kyojuro smiled up at Tengen. "Can we? Its been forever, and we finally have time and its just you and me. It doesn't need to be anything extra just a quickie is fine."

Tengen didnt need to hear anymore begging. He was perfectly fine giving Kyojuro whatever he wanted while they had the time.

Rengoku ended up in bed with Tengen on top of him. He arched his back and moaned against Tengens lips as he roughly thrusted in. Tengen pushed his tounge into Rengokus mouth and continued to thrust in and out. Kyojuro was already struggling to think.

Said quickie only lasted maybe 15 minutes. In said 15 minutes Kyojuro got his ass both viciously fucked and ate. His back had been scratched so badly Uzui had to clean blood off of it. Rengoku however wasn't exactly done.

He wanted Uzui to stay undressed. He wanted to keep contact with his skin. He didnt want to let his warm body go...and so round two ensured.

Hi yall 😀💅 Sorry its so short i literally cant write this ship to save my fucking life so...its always so hard omg 😭 and i love this ship too wtf

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