Douma x Akaza

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Douma takes it, Akaza makes it too hard.

Douma likes it a little less rough than Akaza usually does it but he wont complain.

Douma would be loud if Akaza wouldn't choke him

The other moons have NO idea

Akaza pulls Doumas hair a lot

Douma digs his nails into Akaza when its too much. Akaza doesnt care, but he doesn't really like it either.

Occasionally (upon request) Douma will eat Akazas ass

The one thing Akaza wont do that douma begs for is fucking in his cult room. It would be extremely risky, or he could even cover him up and Douma could basically sit on his dick while he was bothered all day but stupid people.

They are both extremely cared around other moons ans Muzan to not think too much about it.

Douma cums a lot and it's kinda thick.

Akaza cums a medium ammout and its thin

Akaza likes to cum inside of douma because he likes to fill him enough that it slowly seeps out and he can watch

Douma usually gets fucked into oblivion

They can go like...6 rounds because Akaza is like a fucking animal

Akaza doesnt grunt he growls (yes guys hes obviously a furry 💀 jokes aside he has the personality of a 12 year old furry fr)

Douma has high almost feminine moans and he never had growled

Doumas nipples are really sensitive so he usually wouldn't like them being touched, but this Akaza is actually really easy with so Douma actually enjoys it with him

Akaza does feel a bit odd toping Douma since Douma is his superior and hes in general bigger than him

Akaza is so rude to cover up what goes on behind closed doors

Akaza always gives Douma a small kiss after, no matter what. He just wants to make sure Douma is sure about that last bit being loving even if hes not sure about the rest of it

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