Rengoku x Kiko

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Hiii 😛 So, Kiko is my oc. I have a whole side story where her and Kyojuro get married because...i was sad he died before he found a wife, so i made him a wife (idrc if yall don't like oc x cc you'll just have to read something else). Also this wont be smut, just me talking about them :)

Kiko was attacked but survived (kamado core) a demon attack when she was younger. She was blinded and her body is littered with scars because of the attack. (I know so original 😛). Im gonna skip how they met, and get straight to the interesting stuff.

Kiko and Kyojuro were together for a very short period of time before getting married. Less than a full year. And yes, he got a few side eyes for this.

He was still a demon slayer, Kiko just had an in home care taker for when he wasnt there because shes blind. Shes very smart, but its better shes not alone.

Mugan train happens, he spends 3 months recovering (just to i can say he lives im gonna say he really wasnt hurt too bad but bad enough). He chose to retire, both for his wife and because after a full 6 months after the fight with Akaza his body still hadnt fully recovered and any training just caused more issues. He simply couldn't handle being a demon slayer anymore.

The final battle happend, everything stays the same as cannon as for how it ended.

She does get to meet Tanjiro when he wakes up as the Rengoku family went to visit him. She got to meet nezuko as well. Shes not...very involved with the squad. Shes frankly a side character in their lives.

But, the Rengoku family shes very involved in (no shit). She absolutely loves Senjuro and he loves her. Shinjuro did cut down the drinking seriously after Kyojuros accident so hes a much better person and suprise suprise she actually gets along well with him now. Kyojuro does too now.

Later down the line they adopt kids. There is no need to worry about demons, so the child never even is told about demons. What happend to Kiko? Well, she was simply born with those scars and being blind and all. Once the child grew up they knew it wasnt true, but chosen not to ask.

The story pretty much stays the same except instead of just Senjuros children being a part of the time skip, Kyojuros are as well. But because their adopted Kyojuro and Kiko have been somewhat forgotten to history.

They both lived a long and happy life after he retired. Just as his mother had told him, he had found someone who loved him unconditionally.

Kiko was blind, so she didn't ever know truly what he looked like despite his description and feelings his face and body. In her mind, his hair is a darker yellow and more bloody red. His eye thats smashed simply has a cover. His hair isn't as pointed at the tips, its more straight and fluffy. He has just kinda a slick back minus the slick hair style. He is very strong, and very muscular in her mind, but not in the face. Infact he has a kind soft face. His skin is on the more pale side since he seems to be outside at night a lot.

She thinks Shinjuro and Senjuro look similar. She thinks Shinjuro is more muscular and he has a much more harsh almost mean face. She thinks his hair is a lot less fluffy and kinda thin than Kyojuros. She thinks his hair is washed out in color since hes older.

She thinks Senjuro is about the same as he is cannon. Small, frail, cute little baby face. She thinks he has very bright big eyes and thinks the other two have darker more deep eyes, and she thinks Shinjuro has small eyes.

She really has no idea what Ruka looks like. Shes not there for her to actually feel her, so she is going off description. Which is hard, she hasnt seen since she was 14.

She doesnt really know what she looks like either. But Kyojuro used a lot of things she can touch to describe herself to her. He says hair reminds him of ink and her skin reminds him of the tough bark that cases trees. Its beautiful and textured. And he tries his best but honestly she still has no idea what she looks like.

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