Tengen x Iguro

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Tengen is very easy on Iguro because Iguro can't handle much

Iguro is really sensitive and cums really fast

Uzuis favorite thing is to blow Iguro, and without fail Iguro always cums in his mouth

Iguro likes being spanked. He specifically likes when Uzui lays him across his lap and spanks him

When uzui does spank Iguro he genuinely does it pretty hard

Its very very rare but Iguro does sometimes take his bandages off. Uzui doesn't really touch his face much when their off because he doesn't want Iguro to be uncomfortable

Uzui will kiss Iguros bandages where his lips would be. He wants him to still have that affection even if he isn't actually kissing him

Uzui won't actually choke Iguro but he likes to hold his hand on his neck

(This one is more fluffy) When Tengen seen Iguros scars for the first time he just kissed iguro and thanked him cor showing him something to sensitive. He didnt say anything much else and iguro was very thankful he didn't. He felt much more comfortable that way.

Iguro will on extremely rare occasions give Uzui a blow job. Uzui really likes when Iguro gives them though so he is very praising the whole time

Tengen really likes to praise Iguro. To tell him his eyes are beautiful when he tears up and tell him he has perfect porcelain skin, and he likes to tell him how soft his hair is

Iguros personal favorite position is doggy. Its just most comfortable for him, but he really likes positions where he can see Tengen too.

Sometimes when Iguro wants to touch Uzui but not have sex he gives him really good hand jobs. And usually Uzui is naked or close to it by the end.

The wives know about Iguro and usually leave when him and Tengen have sex. Its not really because it bothers them uzui bas a bf but because they know its hard for Iguro with women and his past and all

Tengen sucks Iguros nipples a lot. A lot.

Iguro is like a 2 on the kinky scale but he does have a slight knife kink. Tengen has a really dull one he will drag across Iguros body. He keeps it dull so he doesn't cut him.

Iguro likes grabbing tengens ass. He has a really soft ass.

Tengen has smushed Iguros face between his thighs a few times. Iguro usually jerks off when he does this. And Tengen is thick so he gets smushed pretty good

Tengen likes eating iguros ass, he also likes fingering him

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