Rengoku x Iguro

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This one is just about this ship and them being together, no smut sorry pookies.

Iguro has a lot of issues with the muscles in his face and stuff because of where he was cut. So sometimes Kyojuro helps him with stuff like eating, brushing his teeth, ect because it can be hard.

Iguro has liked Kyojuro since they were little, but he was scared of having a crush on him because he felt like he was a bad person. It still takes constant reassurance that Iguro isn't a bad person to make him think he's ok.

Sometimes when iguro has panic attacks Kyojuro has to like sit with him to calm him down. Its happend at Hashira meetings and he kinds just took him and sat with him on the floor for several minutes. Obviously nobody was judging, they all have issues they get it.

Kyojuro knows Iguro is a LOT of work, but he doesnt care. He has been taking care of him for a long time and he loves him. He knows he has issues and that he's doing his best.

Kyojuros favorite like "taking care of Iguro thing to do is taking baths or showers together. Iguro getd to just vibe and Kyojuro will make sure his hair is properly washed and that hes not dirty.

Kyojuro also makes a lot of food for Iguro. On the days he can't make himself eat Kyojuro will pretty much monitor him all day. He knows how sick it can make him, and he had seen iguro get super dehydrated, pass out, get super ill, and more because of it so he watchs him.

(This one is about an Autistic Kyojuro hc) Sometimes when Kyojuro becomes non verbal for whatever reason Iguro will sorta speak for him. Some textures make Kyojuro so sick, so Iguro deals with things of the texture.

They sleep together most of the time. Iguro will sleep at the Rengoku estate or Rengoku will sleep at iguros estate, either way their happy.

They dont get many missions together but they do get quite a few. Kagaya knows their a force together and so he sends them to deal with bigger demons. Its proved very useful.

Iguro didn't cut his hair for a very long time because Kyojuro would do his hair for him and help take care of it. Plus, Iguro was terrified of everything and didn't want to leave Kyojuro alone so it worked perfectly.

Senjuro was just a baby and Iguro really liked the baby. He would hold him, feed him, change him, ect. He literally loved him so much. Kyojuro was SO happy his new friend liked his little brother. Plus he finally had a little help with the baby.

Iguro really wanted to learn flame breathing for Kyojuro, but when he couldn't he learned water breathing and created his own style instead.

Iguro always wanted to meet Ruka, despite not really liking women. Kyojuro always seemed to happy to talk about her and it made Iguro a little sad he wouldn't meet her. Iguro didn't believe in much when he was young. The older he got the more he believed in. But even still he had lots of questions. He just hoped he could meet her one day, even if she might be a little scary he still wanted to know this lady Kyojuro talked about all the time.

They will occasionally go on little dates when they have time. Its super fun for both if them because they dont get date time often.

They might seem super close to the others, Kanroji is the only one who knows because shes their best friend so of course. She helps them figure stuff out for like gifts and stuff too. She is so happy for them, she loves that her friends are together.

Kanroji found out because iguro slipped up. She genuinely thought it was so cute. In this lil AU she doesnt like him like that (ofc) but their good friends.

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