Iguro x Kanroji

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This isn't like a smut one, its actually gonna be fluff because i love this ship

When Kanroji and Iguro got closer she would invite him over and sometimes he would help her with her hair

Iguro spent so much time asking Kyojuro questions before he got her her socks as a gift. He tried to be not painfully obvious he was getting her a gift but it was obvious

Iguro has only had to replace her socks a few times. He made sure they were still comfortable too.

They really enjoy training together. Even though Kanrojis muscle density is insane, shes still quite buff because shes so strong. Iguro spent enough time with her to point out when she started to gain weight and her muscles began showing more.

Kanroji initially thought Iguro meant harm when he pointed out she had put on noticeable weight and wasnt so skinny like when they first met. He was extremely paniked when he realized he hadnt clarified. He simply thought it was a good thing. And also that she was getting stronger because she was gaining weight and becoming more toned

Kanroji told Iguro about her past lovers and he definitely beefin with her ex. However he didn't completely lose it right infront of her.

When she told him about how the little bitch said he didn't want her hair passed down to their kids, Iguro was literally speechless. He went on maybe a 15 minute rant about how she was so beautiful and he couldn't imagine not wanting beautiful, strong, capable children. And how if she ever had children she would definitely have kids with hearts of gold because she was so kind.

Iguro was careful about Kabaramaru being mean to Kanroji at first, but when Kabaramaru started sniffing at Kanroji she wasnt afraid and the snake activity aas trying to sneak over so Iguro let him. He snuggled into her clothes through her chest window and laid right on her chest for a while. Iguro explained that it was because she had skin there and it was a warm place. Kanroji though the snake wanting to be warm was absolutely adorable.

Iguro and Kanroji do little paintings together a lot. Kanroji really likes art and hes super good, but Iguro not so much. However he loves making them because he gets to hang with Kanroji and spend good time with her. Kanroji has two paintings they did together hung up. Like, they did them on the same canvas and then Kanroji hung them up. One is of...questionable strawberries and one is of a landscape. Their both really ok because Iguro but Kanroji loves them so much. Iguro also has paintings she did for him hung up

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