1// Waking up

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~~ Y/n's pov ~~

I feel awake, but my body sleeps. My eyes are closed, and I can't open them. I can't move anything. I'm lying on something hard and cold.

Suddenly, I hear something clicking, and it starts moving. It feels like my body is pressed down, so the platform is going upwards.

It's going faster and faster and also louder. Now I see some red lights, my eyes are still closed.

With a loud click and a green light, the thing stopped moving. It sounds like something above me is opening. I see a bright light and feel the warmth from the sun. My body starts to tingle a bit.

After a few seconds, I hear voices.
"The box is a few days early."
"Is someone in there or not?"
"It's a girl."
I heard a bit of an accent in the last voice.

When I feel someone jumping on the platform that I'm lying on, I can finally move again. So I open my eyes but I'm blinded by the sunlight.

When my eyes are used to the light, I see I'm in a sort of box. And there are like ten boys watching from above. And there is one blond boy standing with me in the box.

"Hey, Greenie," he says to me, and he holds out his hand to help me stand up. I take his hand and try standing up slowly, but my legs feel very weak.

I'm standing on my feet, but once I try to make a step, I almost fall.

"Ow, watch out," the blond boy catches me and helps me stand up. "Can I have a little help, please?" He asks too the boys above. I haven't said a word yet.

Another boy jumps in the box, and they both carry me out of it. "Thanks, Gally," the blond boy says.

They let me sit in the long grass next to the box, and the, even bigger now, crowd of boys staring at me. The blond one kneels down in front of me.

"So, again. Hey there, Greenie. My name is Newt, and welcome to the Glade."

~~ end of Y/n's pov ~~

Y/n looks Newt directly in his brown eyes but still can't say a word. She just now realized that she can't remember anything. Newt gets up again, and the boys start talking again.

"Why is it a girl?"
"I don't trust this, guys."
"I call dibs."
"Why isn't she saying anything?"
"She's just scared, probably gonna cry."

Y/n is looking at the guys with a straight face. Until she sees the big walls in the background. And now that she can look around, she realizes that they are surrounded by these big walls. There is only one opening.

"Come on guys, get to work now, please," Gally says. Most of the boys start leaving, and some are staying.

Now that there are only four people left, she finally finds the words to say something.

"I can't remember anything," she says. The boys don't really react, and Y/n starts to panic.

A boy named Minho runs to her and sits in front of her. "Hey, hey, no need to panic. It's normal. It happened to all of us. We all came here through that box and didn't remember anything. In a few days, you will remember your name again."

Y/n keeps breathing really heavy. "What is this place?"

"We call it the Glabe, and we all live here together. But you will get the whole explanation later. You first need to calm down. Listen to me, you have to breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out."

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now