16// Admitting

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~~Newt's pov~~

Y/n and I go to breakfeast together after we talked.
I didn't get real answers. She sounded really confused.
But she made me confused, too.
But okay, it's fine. 

The boys at our table all smile as Y/n, and I sit down. 

"Well, where have you two been?" Minho asks.

"Just talking, why?" Y/n replies.

"Talking about what? Last night?" Winston says.

Some start to laugh a little, and others are trying to hold their laughs in. What does he mean, last night? Do they know about last night? That Y/n tried to kiss me? I look in a little panic at Y/n. She looks away, her cheeks having a pink color.

"What about last night?" I ask them, knowing Y/n can't handel this on her own.

"Do you not remember it, Newt?" Winston answers me.
"There was like this bonfire, don't know if you heard about that. And only two people left it early, you two. And at night, I randomly woke up, from Y/n, calling your name. I don't think I need to make a drawing?"

All the boys laugh, Y/n lays her head on the table, trying not to get involved in the conversation. So I'll have to deal with it.
"That's just ridiculous, you Shanks. Yes, we left early. Because I was tired and Y/n was drunk. I put her in bed and left her room. And I heard it too, but I wasn't there with her. Y/n talks in her sleep sometimes, that's all."

"Okay, okay, I see. So, Y/n, tell us about your dream?"

"I uhm... I can't remember them, actually."

"Sure you don't," Winston laughs.

"Come on, shanks, leave her alone. There's nothing between us. Now stop joking about it before Alby throws me in the Pit."

~~End of Newt's pov~~

A few days go by in the Glade, and both Y/n and Newt try to find out what's going on between the two of them.
Y/n's sudden attempt to try to kiss Newt has made them both confused. There's something between them that they don't have with any other Glader.

So they both try to figure out what it is, seperetly. They don't talk about it with each other or with anyone. They both start to get nervous when it's just the two of them.

This way, it's getting more obvious for the other Gladers. They see the way they act around each other. Both getting nervous, blushing, always looking for each other but are still saying there's nothing. 

The only one that doesn't suspect anything is Alby. He's just too busy and all the Gladers, mostly Y/n's and Newt's friends, stop talking about it when he is nearby. Everyone knows there's a rule that forbits them from dating, if Newt and Y/n ever say they like each other. That's why they don't want Alby to find out. The Gladers who know about it want them to be together. 

Gally decided to go and talk with Newt.

"What do you wanna talk about, Gally? Did a builer get hurt again?"

"No, Newt, that's not it. I need to ask you something."

"You can ask me anything."

"You feel a connection with Y/n, too, don't you?"

Newt fronws his eyebrows in surprise of his sudden question.
"What do you mean? Feel a connection, too?"
What connection does Gally feel with Y/n?

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now