14// Thinking

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~~Newt's pov~~

It's been a few days since Rebecca was banished. A new Greenie has just arrived, so the focus is now on the Newbie. Most of the Gladers don't talk about Rebecca anymore.

Minho is doing a bit better but doesn't want to talk. He's working really hard, to forget about what happened.

I'm doing fine, better than I expected I would. It does hurt, but I'm just not thinking about it.

I'm spending a lot of time with Y/n. I don't know what it is, but she really makes me happy. No one makes me feel the way she makes me feel, and she doesn't even realize it.

I'm not gonna tell her, too. I don't want things to get weird. Some people start to think there is something between us because of what Rebecca said. But we just tell them that there's nothing, just friends, which is true.

Maybe there is something more, something little. No idea what.
But it's there sometimes. When I hold her hand, or she holds mine. Or when she gives me a hug.
It makes me feel truly happy and safe and hopeful. Then the Glade doesn't feel like a bad place. But that's only when I'm with her. That's what I thought Rebecca would give me.

~~End of Newt's pov~~

The mood in the Glade is finally a lot brighter, even though the sky has turned darker. But the light of the big fire makes the place brighting up and warms it up. And so, also the hearts of the Gladers are filled with warmth this time of the month. A bonfire to celibrate the new Greenie. 

Everyone is talking with each other, laughing, dancing, and drinking. Y/n would normally not drink because of her first bonfire. But with everything that happened in the last week, she decided to just drink a bit tonight. It just wasn't a little, it was a lot.

But it's fine, she's safe with Minho. He decided not to drink, because of what happened. It was on the advice of Newt. He told him that drinking the pain away won't help him, and maybe can make things worse.

Y/n has been thinking a lot about the fact that Rebecca and Minho kissed. It gives her a discusted feeling, because it was with Rebecca.
But the more she thinks about it, her feeling's about it change. Even thouth it wasn't really two Gladers falling in love, she likes the idea of that.

"Minho, I was thinking. Rebecca kissed you. You kissed someone, in the Glade, the first kiss you remember."

Minho is sitting on the ground, and Y/n is laying down, with her head resting in his lap.

"I rather not think about that Y/n, it's not really a nice memorie. Maybe if it wasn't all a lie. But it was, so."

"I know, I get that. But still, I feel kinda jealous about it."

"I get that, I'm pretty hot, but don't be jealous about it, Y/n."

"No, it's not that. Just the thought of being kissed, the feeling. The feeling of someone who loves you that way. I wonder how that is."

Minho is just nodding at Y/n's drunk thoughts. He likes how honest she is.

Y/n continues: "I've been thinking about it. I don't remember it, but I know for sure that i've had my first kiss before coming here.
I don't know anything about it, really, but I just know. It was with a really special person, someone I had very strong feelings for. I can still feel them a bit. That strong is it."

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