2// Eating

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I wake up by the sound of wind going through trees, birds singing their songs, and boy's talking. Boys. I open my eyes and see a wooden ceiling. It wasn't a dream.

I'm still in the Glade, in the bed of the med-jacks. I try remembering what had happened yesterday, not that I remember anything before that. The last memory is how I hit the ground.

I turn around and only now notice the boy sitting in a chair next to me.

"Good morning, sunshine," Minho says with a smile on his face. For the first time in the Glade, someone makes me laugh a little.

"Morning. How did I end up here again?"

Minho looks at me confused.
"You came out of the box yesterday? You don't remember that?"

I laugh a little: "No, yes, I remember that. I mean, how did I end up here in the med-hut again. Last thing I remember is that I passed out in the grass."

"Oh yeah, that, Alby and I were still outside and saw you fell. We ran over at you, and you were passed out, so we brought you here." Minho explains to me.

I nod and lay down again. My head hurts like hell.
"Did you stay here the whole night?"

Minho shakes his head: "No, there was someone with you the whole night, but we took turns with some boys."

"Like who?" I ask him.

"Uhm, let me think," he rubs his hands in his fluffy hair. "Me and Jeff, of course, also Winston and Newt."

Newt. He's friendly... and kinda handsome. But he's kind of a cold person to me. I feel like he doesn't want to get involved with me, and would not want to get to know me.

It surprises me that he had been sitting here at night to make sure I was alright. It was probably just Alby's order.

"How's Newt normally like?" I ask it before realizing what I just asked.

Minho also looks surprised by my question.

"Um, it depends. When he first got here, he was mostly sad, a bit in his own world, didn't say a lot. But I got to know him, and he's actually a really sweet guy. He just doesn't want to show it too much here."

I can't really say anything and just nod the whole time.

"Why do you ask? Something happened during the tour yesterday?"

"No, I don't really know. It doesn't matter. You should go and eat, though."

He gives me a little smile as he gets up. "You're right. Jeff will immediately come to check on you. Just stay here." He walks to the door and turns around one more time. "See you this evening?"

"Yeah, of course. Good luck in the Maze."

A few minutes after Minho left, Jeff walks in.

"All right, Y/n, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm okay, just tired, and my head is hurting like crazy."

"Yeah, you probably hit the ground pretty hard. But that doesn't explain why you passed out." He looks so serious at me.

He continues: "Minho told me that you didn't eat anything yesterday. That's why you passed out and don't have energy. It looks like you didn't eat a lot in a longer time before you came to the Glade."

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now