21// Feeling

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Trying to be just friends again isn't going easy. Newt is hopelessly in love with Y/n and wants to be with her all the time.
But for Y/n, Newt is like a stranger that she's getting to know. So Newt needs to hold back.

And he doesn't like it. But Y/n noticed that. She finds Newt in the same spot as he was yesterday.
He's there most of the time now when he's alone, because he doesn't wanna talk with anyone. But Y/n knows where he is, and she wants to talk with him again.

"Hi, Newt. Do you have a minute for me?"

"Of course."

"I didn't think about this enough. I asked to try and be friends again, but this isn't gonna work, I think."

"Why?" Newt heart drops.

"Well, I thought we could just get to know each other again. But you already know everything about me. And I know almost nothing about you. It feels kinda awkward."

"I get it, it's weird. But, what do you want? That we tread each other like any other Glader who you're not friends with?"

"No, because you weren't just like any other Glader. I actually just want my memories with you back.
You seem like such a nice guy. And I believe it when y'all say we were like best friends."

"That's nice of you to say."

"Plus, I see what this is doing with you, Newt. I may not remember you, but I see that this is breaking you.
I don't want that. If there is any way I could get my memories back, I would do everything for it."

Newt is surprised by Y/n worrying about him that much. It does make him a little bit happier.
"You're the sweetest. But how do you get your memories back?"

"Yeah, that, I don't know. I always thought that something familiar could make us remember a bit.
Like, I don't know anymore when I was talking about that, but I remember the word illicit. And that word feels familiar, I kinda remember it's from a song I liked. You know what I'm saying?"

"Yes?" Newt looks at her confused, questionable. He's not sure what she's trying to say right now.

"It's probably stupid, but I thought, maybe with talking with you... Like it would feel familiar, and I would remember you again."

"Nah, it's not stupid. I would try everything if it might make you remember me."

"Can you tell me something about us? Like the friendship."

Friendship. It makes Newt feel dizzing. They were only friends before this happened. And now they're not even friends anymore.

"Uhm, Minho asked you about a like eating promise?"

Y/n nods.

"Well, that was with me. You were here only a day, and you had -"

"Passed out? I know that part."

"Right, yes. But it was because you didn't eat enough. And I told you you needed to eat when you were sitting at our table. But you pointed out that I wasn't eating either.
So then we promised each other we would always eat together, at the same table. And we would both have to eat everything Frypan gave us."

Y/n has been smiling the whole time while Newt was talking.
"That's kinda cute."

Newt thought of it the same way. Because Y/n is the cutest in his eyes. But that's not how she is looking at this.

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now