9// Meeting

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~~Y/n's pov~~

Everything is going better in the Glade.
More weeks went by, and Newt is slowly getting better now.

He started to work again yesterday. He still has to take it slow, of course, and he only works a couple of hours a day. He's more focused on being second in command now. He doesn't need to use his leg for that.

The first time that Newt walked again was a wonderful moment for everyone in the Glade. It went pretty well, but he still has a limp.

After Newt told me what had happened, we became friends again. Newt felt happier then, and he started talking to all the Gladers again. That's why everyone got excited when he walked again. The group Gladers is more close than ever.

And today comes a new Greenie.

••Little time skip••

The greenie alarm goes off, so we all run to the box. Newt and Gally opens it, and Gally jumps in.
"Hi guys, it's another girl!"

A girl? Finally, I'm not the only girl. I push some guys aside to see the girl. She has long blond straight hair and the bluest eyes I've ever seen.
She's looking at everyone and stops when she sees me.

"Damn it, what a hottie," I hear someone say.

"Not hotter than Y/n though," I hear someone else say.

Gally holds out his hand for her to help her stand up. But she doesn't take it and just stands up by herself.
"Uhm, okay," Gally says to her. "I'm Gally. Welcome in the Glade. Do you remember your name?"

She looks at him with dead eyes.

"Wow, you already remember it? That's great."

They both got out of the box, and Gally continues:" So this is the Glade, the place where we all live together. That's the leader, Alby. He'll give you a tour. And Newt is second in command. And that's the only other girl, Y/n."

I give her a little smile, and she does the same. She seems nice.
"Okay, let's start that tour then!" Rebecca says enthusiastically. And she leaves with Alby.

"Okay, that was quick. Back to work, everyone," Newt says, and he comes to me. "I thought she would come to you first, 'cause you're the only other girl."

"Yeah, so did I. I'll keep an eye on it so I can be there if she panics or something."

"That's a great idea, but we are going back to the gardens now." Newt puts his arm around me when we walk. This way, I help him bit with his limp.

It's been an hour now that Rebecca arrived. She's probably still with Alby, so I just wait till they come by the gardens to meet her.

They went by a few times already and. I don't know, actually. I'm trying to be there for her when she panics like I did. But she just looks happy and not very overwhelmed.

I mean, it's good for her. But it makes me a bit insecure,... seeing this girl this confident in this situation.

"Lastly, the Gardens. Here, we grow most of our food." They're here.

"I did this place last so you could meet the other girl. Y/n, you can maybe take a break, and you two can get to know each other a bit."

"Thanks, Alby, we will."

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