10// Researching

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~~Y/n's pov~~

Rebecca has been here for almost three weeks. I was excited when I saw there's another girl, but I'm disappointed. I thought we would become friends, and I could get some girltalk. You know, talking about boys. I miss that.

But Rebecca is only talking with the boys, and not to me. I gave her some chances after the bonfire, but she's just not interested in me.

The problem is, in a group, Rebecca is very present. She's always in the middle and gets all the attention.

After only a few days, I stopped sitting at my regular table.
Gally did that already after 2 days. So I did the same and now sit with Gally and some other boys.

Newt wasn't happy with it at first because we have that eating promise. So, the first 2 weeks, Newt sat at the table with me for dinner. But this week, he stopped doing that.

I think Newt is starting to like this girl. I don't trust her. I'm not sure what it is, but she's taking my two best friends away.

Rebecca is working in the kitchen with Fry, so in the afternoon, she doesn't have to work. And that's when Newt isn't working either. But I am. So, almost every afternoon, Rebecca is with Newt, alone.

And her work stops when dinner is ready, when Minho is back. And every evening, she wants to talk with him.

I'm spending most of the time with Gally now. He's the only one, besides Alby, who's not falling for her, I think.
I'm gonna go talk with him right now.

"What do they see in her?" I wonder.

"I have no clue, but I know I want my friends back, Y/n." Gally says.

"Hey, I'm right here, you know?"

"Yes, but you're a girl. No offense, but I want my bro's back. But all that matters is Rebecca this, Rebecca that. It's so annoying."

"I get it, I want them back, too.
Without Rebecca."

"You need to talk with them, Minho and Newt. They're spending a lot of time with her. More than others. Ask them what's so special about her."

"Why do I need to do that?"

"Well, I'm not gonna talk with them about their feelings."

I don't want to talk with my best friends about how they feel about the girl I think is very annoying. But I guess I have to.

I need a plan. How can I have time with them both apart without Rebecca being there?

Newt is most easy. While Rebecca is preparing lunch, I'm working with him in the gardens. I just need to ask Alby if we can take a longer break so we can talk alone.

But Minho is gonna be harder. He's only in the Glade early in the morning or in the evening.
In the morning, Rebecca is there because she's up for breakfast.
In the evening, Rebecca doesn't leave his side. Only when Minho is in the maproom. But I also can't go in there.

I think the only option is at night. I'll just wake him tonight and take him to the treehouse or something. That'll work.

But first, Alby.

"Hi, Alby. Can I ask you something?"

"You can always ask me anything, Y/n."

"Is it okay if Newt and I take a longer break than usual while working in the morning tomorrow?"

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now