5// Announcing

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Y/n closes her eyes, afraid of what's going to happen.

Until she feels that her hands are free again and the boy rolled next to her on the grass, groaning from pain.

She looks at her other side and sees Newt and Gally. They're not looking at her, only at Ben.

"You know," Gally says: "we actually shouldn't have hurt him."

Newt keeps staring at Ben, looking very serious. "I don't care. Throw him in the pit."

Gally takes a big step to go over Y/n but ignores her.

Finally, Newt looks down at her, kneels, and sits on the ground. "Are you okay?"

Y/n is still drunk, but not in a way that she's still laughing about everything. She catches the back of her neck. "Uhg, yeah, I'm fine, I guess."

Newt takes her hands to look at them. "Did he hurt you?"

"No, no, I'm fine."

Newt gives her a little smile. "Come on," he says as he stands up. "It's time for you to go to your bed."

He offers her his hand, and she takes it.

She's standing very wobbly but still takes some steps. "You know, a last drink would be great now."

But Y/n almost trips again.

"No, no, no. You've had enough. I'll bring you safely to your bed, without falling." Newt places his hand on her back, and Y/n lies her arm around his shoulder.

When they reach the Med-hut, Newt places her on the bed. "Stay here, okay? I'll get you something."

Y/n nods at what he says, but she didn't listen at all. Her mind is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

Newt is back quickly and had a hoodie in his hands. "The box came today, and this was in it. I guess it's yours, I forgot to give it earlier."

Y/n takes the hoodie and stands up again. "Thanks, I'll just wear this tonight."

Without thinking about it, Y/n starts taking off her shirt.

Newt wanted to look away, but his eyes couldn't, and not because the girl was standing in her bra.

Newt notices something else.
Y/n was wearing a necklace.
The same as his.

••The next day••

~~Y/n's pov~~

It's the next morning, and I'm still in bed. I have no clue what time it is.

I can't remember everything from last night. Not much, at least.  The last thing I fully remember is that Newt talked with me again.
I try sitting up, but my head hurts a lot.

When I get out of my bed, I realize my knee is also hurting. I just don't remember from what.

I look at my hand and see some bruises on my wrists. What happened last night?

Well, I should go ask someone. I go to the kitchen.

"Look who's finally out of her bed. You really take your time," Frypan says with a smile.

"Yeah, I know. Just give me something to eat, please. My head is hurting."

"Here you go," he gives me the last plate. "You're the last one, most of the Gladers are already done with eating."

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now