26// Explaining

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The bonfire for the new Greenie has just started. For everyone, it all seems normal, a bit like always. But not for me, I'm worried.

The Greenie has been on my mind constantly since he's here. He's so young and so scared of everyone and everything.

So, before hanging out with the others, I'm gonna talk with him. He still needs to learn a lot about the Glade, since he never finished his tour.
So I can tell him what he needs to know and tell him not to be scared.

I'm surprised to see that he's actually here, but he's standing alone. I'm just gonna go and introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Y/n."

"I know, you're Newt's girlfriend.
Sorry, I don't remember my name."

I give him a smile, but this actually makes me sad. The way he says sorry for not knowing his name. He's so innocent.
"It will come back to you soon, don't worry about it. Do you mind sitting with me for a minute?"

"That's fine, I don't really know who I should talk to."

"Well, you can always come to me if you want. And to Newt too, but he might be busy sometimes."

"Good to know, thanks." The boy says it with a smile, but I can see it's just to be friendly. The fear in his eyes is still visible.

"Has Alby introduced you to some people yet?"

"No, not really."

"Okay, let's see." I look around to see if I find any of my friends.
"See the black boy over there? That's Frypan. And you can guess it by his name; he's the cheff from the Glade. Didn't you see him when you got food for dinner?"

The boy shakes his head.
"No, I didn't eat anything."

Damn, how did I not even notice that?
"Okay, but try to eat something tomorrow, okay? We need to eat a lot so we become strong. And you don't want to start passing out like I did."

"You passed out from not eating?"

"Jup, first day. I made a great first impression."

He lets out a little laugh.

"Anyway," I say.
"Frypan is a very sweet guy. You can trust him. And he makes great food.
The boy standing next to him, that's Winston. He's the Keeper of the Slicers. I'm sure you'll like him too."

The boy isn't responding, just nodding his head. I can see he's trying to remember everything I'm saying.

"The two guys over there are Clint and Jeff. They are the med-jacks. So if anything happend, if you get hurt, you go to them."

"Who are those boys? That group?"

I try to see who he's pointing at.
"They are the Runners. The Asian boy, standing in the middle, that's Minho. He's my best friend.
Did Alby tell you about the Runners yet?"

"Not exactly, I guess they have something to do with what's outside these walls."

"Should I introduce you to them? Then they can tell you about it themself."

The boy nervously shakes his head.
"No, thanks. I rather just stay here. Can you tell me?"

"Of course. Outside the walls, there's a giant maze. And the Runners run in it every day. They are mapping it and trying to find a way out."

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now