8// Talking

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I wasn't there when Newt woke up again. Only Minho was. It's been a couple of days now, and Newt didn't make any progress.

He's sleeping most of the time, and his leg is hurting a lot. Clint says that he should heal completely, but it will take some time.

Of course, they only talk about his leg. Every Glader believes that Newt just tripped somewhere in the Glade and broke his leg, nothing more.

But I know there's more to his story. And I know that Minho, Clint, and Jeff know what it is. I keep asking Minho about it, but he won't say a thing. I can't ask Newt either, Minho told me not to. He first said he would explain it. But Newt probably told him not to.

But the fact that I can't ask anything proves that there is more. And I wanna know, I don't know why, but I do.

I have had a bad feeling inside of me since that day. And it doesn't go away without answers.

Minho is running at the moment, and I know that Newt is alone right now. So I'm on my way to the med-jacks hut, I need to ask him.

"Hi, Newt, can I come in?"

"Uhm yeah, come in," Newt says with a sleepy voice. I hope I didn't wake him.

I go inside, and he's typing to sit up a bit. He's under a blanket, and his blond hair is messy. I probably did just wake him up. I hope he's not mad.

"Can I maybe talk to you for a moment?"

"About?" Newt asks slowly.

Oh God, I'm getting nervous. I need to say this right, or he won't say anything. But how?
"About you? I don't know how to explain."

"Okay," he says, questioning. "Just ask what you want to ask, Y/n."

I don't know if I should do this.
"I know there's more going on than you just falling in Galde and breaking your leg. But Minho won't tell me and told me not to ask. But I need to know the truth."

Newt looks away and bits his lip.
"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Did you forget what happened that morning? You were up very early and ran into the Maze. Minho had to come and get you."

"No, I do remember. I was up as early as always, and I was just in the Glade. I wasn't in the Maze."

"I know you're lying, I saw you."

"Can you leave me alone, please? You woke me up, and I need to rest."

I don't want to but I know I have to leave now. So that's what I do.

This wasn't a good idea. Why would I think he would give me answers? He never even trusted me.

~~Newt's pov~~

She knows, and I know she knows. But it's not the biggest problem now, that's my leg. It hurts so much. I wish there were real doctors here who could fix this.

And my head, it's also hurting more than ever. I sleep all day, so I won't feel it.

Minho comes to me every day when he's back from the Maze. So I'll just wait for him now. I'm glad he's the lie that found me. I don't know what might have happened otherwise.

Half an hour later, he walks in. "Hi, how's my favorite Glader doing today?"

"Hey man," I say. "A bit better than yesterday, I think."

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now