24// Gathering

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I don't remember ever having to go through a break-up, but I think this is what it feels like.

I need to break up with Y/n, before we are even dating. I really don't want to. I don't want to break her heart. But rather I do it than Alby does.

I feel so angry, I can't believe he's doing this to us. There's no good reason for it.
Y/n would be safe with me. I would protect her with my life, and I know she would do the same for me.

I promised her she would never lose me, and I feel so bad to break that promise.
Maybe we should have never lied to Alby. But still, he's being unreasonable. Can't he just let us be happy together?

Y/n is probably looking for me, but I can't face her. It's gonna hurt so much to tell her.
I don't want to see her cry. But I don't really have a choice, do I?

I'm walking toward the Homestread, still with a limp, when I see the gorgeous girl running to me.
She looks enthousiastic and immediately swings her arms around my neck, giving me a thight hug.

"How did it go?" Y/n asks with a smile.
But it soon faiths away when she sees the look on my face.

"I'm so sorry."
My voice creaks. My throat literally hurts, the feeling when you're gonna start crying if you talk.

"Newt, what happened?"

I clear my throat and wipe away tears before they can fall down.
"Uhm, Alby and I had a fight and he said we can't date. The rule stays."

I'm looking down to the ground. I don't want to see her reaction. Y/n takes my hand.
"Why?" I can hear in her voice she's hurt. "Newt, look at me, please."

I do as she asks and try to explain.
"Alby got all mad because we hide that from him. And he thinks it's better is no Gladers date. He doesn't care about how we feel."

"So what now?"

"He uhm... he said I'll need to stop working in the Gardens. And spent as little time as possible with you. So the feelings can 'go away'.
So this is kinda like a goodbye."

"I don't want to say goodbye, Newt. Can't we keep seeing each other secretly? Like we did the last few days?"

"I don't know, Y/n. We'll see, I guess. Alby will throw us in the Slammers if he finds out. And he'll keep a close eye on us."

Y/n shakes her head.
"I can't do this, Newt. I know you can't, too."

"You're right, but we have to. At least at the moment."
I hold both her hands.
"I promised you I'll stay with you. So I'll try everything to fix this, okay? But it might take some time."

"Okay, we should probably go then?"

I place my hands on her face and pull her closer for one long and final kiss.
I don't even care who sees it.

"I'll miss you, Newt," Y/n says soflty.

"I'll miss you too. But I'll fix this in some way. I promise, Love."

~~End of Newt's pov~~

Newt returns to Alby to work. Y/n does the same with the Garderens.

Well, she's supposed to, but she feels heartbroken. She had never felt this way. So she'll make a stop in her room first. She needs a 10-minute break to cry.

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now