4// Drinking

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~~Y/n's pov~~

It's now day four, and I don't know what happened yesterday with Newt.

I said something and suddenly, he was gone and he's ignoring me. Even at dinner yesterday and at breakfast and lunch today. We still sat at the same table, but he didn't say a word.

Now, I'm just sitting here. I've talked to some of the boys, but I don't want to keep them busy.

"Hey, Greenie," I hear a voice say from behind. I turn around and see Gally walking towards me.

"Hi Gally, what's up?"

"I was just wondering how the Greenie is doing," he sits next to me.

"Just fine, nothing special. You?"

"I'm great, thanks. Minho and I are busy with your room. But hey, I need to ask something."

"Yeah," I say, kinda scared of the question.

"Did something happen between you and Newt?"

"No, no, why do you think that?"

"You two are not talking. I can see there's something and Newt won't tell me. If something happened, if he did something to you, Greenie, you have to tell me."

"I may have said something stupid, but it's not a big deal."

"Yeah, okay. Maybe try to make it up. We want all the Gladers to live peacefully together. So, no fighting or ignoring." Gally gets up again to leave.
"But, maybe, with Newt, give him some time first."

I nod my head and say goodbye to Gally. He's probably right. I have to tell Newt I'm sorry. Even though I don't know what I said wrong.

I'll do it tonight. There will be a bonfire.


The boys lit some torches and throw them into a large pile of wood. Some boys make music and there is a big bonfire. The party can start.

Everyone's happy and is talking. I'm sitting with Winston and Clint. We're watching how some boys that are fighting.

Not because they're mad at each other, just fighting for fun. Some asked me to fight as well. But I passed. It's fun to look at, but I'm not gonna fight.

"Hey there, little Greenie," it's Minho. He sits next to me and places his arm around my shoulder. "Are you having fun?"

"Yes, it's wonderful. Seeing everyone this happy, not worried about being trapped."

"Yeah, sometimes you just have to forget about it and have some fun, you know. But we are safe here. Don't always say we're trapped."

"Sure, I'm sorry."

We're just talking a bit when suddenly a boy gets our attention. "HEY, I have an idea. All the Gladers who want can fight with each other. And we do it until 1 person remains. The Glader that wins gets the Greenie, Y/n." Some boys start to cheer.

"Gets me? No one can have me," I say as I start to panic a bit.

"Yeah, you'll see what I mean," the guy says as he comes closer. He winks at me. "When I win, and I will."

Minho gets up and pushes him away. "That's just a useless idea and pathetic. Such a stupid idea. No one can 'have' Y/n."

"Why not Minho? Do you think you can have her, all for yourself?"

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now