22// Hiding

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~~Newt's pov~~

It feels like I can finally breathe. It doesn't even feel real, but it is.
Y/n and I just kissed and now  Ihug again her in disbelief. This can't be real.
I do not want to let her go.

"Y/n, do you really remember me again? Everything?"

"Yes, everything that happened in the Glade. And now I know for sure we have known each other before."

I pull away so I can see her beautiful face again. I've never seen her this happy, she's literally shining.
"This really feels like a dream."

She kisses me again, and I kiss back. I can't believe how soft her lips feel. How is she this perfect?

"Does it still feel like a dream now?" she asks.

I can't do anything but smile. "Yes."

She laughs, that beautiful laugh.

"Y/n, I don't know how this all happened. But I know I'm so in love with you. And it's a relief to finally say it."

"I'm in love with you too, Newt. I was just too afraid to tell you. I thought you didn't feel the same way, and I didn't want to lose you as one of my best friends."

"Lose me? You're never gonna lose me, Y/n. I promise. I would do anything for you."
And I mean every word I say. It might be quick to say, but she really means the world to me.

"I just thought that you would never break your own rule."

That bloody rule, I didn't even think of that anymore. Breaking it to be with Y/n would be worth it, absolutely.
But the Gladers, and mostly Alby, won't let go that easy. I know Alby pretty good, but here, I don't know how he would react to this.

"You broke the rules by running in the Maze trying to save me Y/n. I would break them for you, too. But I don't think we should go tell everyone that we're in love all of a sudden. Not yet at least."

"I told Minho that last week."

"I told Minho, too, and Gally a bit longer ago. What do we do?"

"I say we just tell Minho about it for now. And first, find things out ourselves. Like, talk a bit. Because we like ... randomly kissed. Don't get me wrong, the moment was perfect for it, but we can't just..., you know."

"Sure, I get it. No worries, okay? We take time."

This does have been a little overwhelming.
One second, I was crying because I sort of lost the girl I like. And the other second, she remembers me, and we kiss.

It's kinda weird how she suddenly remembered me and immediately wanted to kiss me. We were just friends? We didn't have to talk about it. I just went with the moment.

And the moment really was perfect. No matter what happens, I'm always gonna remember that kiss.

But we both need some time to process everything. We can't just play boyfriend and girlfriend all of a sudden. I don't even know if she wants that.
I'm overthinking this again.

My attention goes back to Y/n when she gives me a little kiss on my cheek. I still can't fully believe it.
"What are you thinking about?" she asks.

I cup her face in my hands and give her one more kiss on her lips. "You."

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now