12// Suspecting

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Y/n opens her door completely but doesn't see anyone. So she steps outside, and a hand grabs her from behind. The hand covers her mouth, and she's pulled against a body.

Her eyes are closed, afraid of what's happening. She opens them a bit and sees there's another person standing in front of her.

Y/n tries to kick or slap the person who's holding her. So the person would let her go. But the person in front of her grabs her wrist and holds them thight. He, or she, is stronger than Y/n.

She starts to panic and takes a deep breath, preparing to scream at loud as she can.

"Y/n, please be quiet."

She immediately recognized the voice. She opens her eyes. Newt.
Y/n nods to let him know she'll be quiet. The hand did no longer cover her mouth, and she could look behind her. It's Gally.

"What are you guys doing?" Y/n whispers, wanting to scream at them.

"We just want to talk to you," Newt says.

"No," Y/n answers him. She's scared Rebecca will find out. And she's afraid of what they want to talk about.

Y/n wants to walk back inside, but Gally grabs her again. He picks her up and lies her over his shoulder so she can't get away. He quickly walks away from where the other boys are sleeping.

"Put me down, Gal." Y/n is slapping on Gallys back, but there's no effect. She just accepted it.

Y/n sees how Newt is following them but is further behind. He can't walk as fast as Gally with hip limp.

"Okay, I promise I won't run away. Please put me down so we can help Newt to walk."

Gally turns around to look at his friend, and Y/n screams a little from the sudden turn. He puts her down again. Y/n tries to fix her hair a bit from hanging upside down. Then they both run to where Newt is.

Without saying anything, they help Newt to walk. They go to Y/n's favorite talking spot, the treehouse.

"So what's the thing you guys wanna talk about?"

Newt and Gally look at each. Newt is the one that answers. "We both got the feeling that you're lying to us."

Y/n is too stunned to speak. How do they know? "About?"

"About the wound on your arm. I got the feeling you were lying about it. So I asked Gally about it."

"Newt and I were talking a bit," Gally says. "And I said something about Rebecca. Newt told me what he said to you. So we know you're lying. And we wanna know why. What's going on?"

Y/n is looking sad. She's disappointed in herself. She feels guilty.
"I-, uhm, I'm sorry."
A tear falls down her cheek.

Newt holds her hand. He's not mad at her. He just wants to know the truth. He didn't want to see her cry.
"You don't need to apologize now, Y/n. Just tell us what's going on, please."

Y/n doesn't want to tell them. She knows Newt is gonna be hurt when he knows the truth about Rebecca. But she doesn't have a choice now. So she will explain.

"So, you both know what Newt told me. About you and Rebecca. How she would date you and that she feels safe with you... Minho told me the same things."

Y/n sees the disappointed look on Newts face. But she continues.
"He told me how Rebecca also told him she would date him and all that kind of stuff. She's playing with you two, playing with your feelings. Because she couldn't choose so tried to get both."

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now